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The Reformation in England, and the Counter-Reformation

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1 The Reformation in England, and the Counter-Reformation

2 Agenda Bell Ringer: Why did Martin Luther want to break from the Catholic Church? Lecture: Protestant Reformation in England, Counter-Reformation Comparing the Protestant and Catholic Church 1564. Timeline of the Renaissance and Reformation. Council of Trent: Primary Document Analysis Who am I? Review Guide

3 Bad effects of Reformation
Protestant beliefs swept the North. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V went to war against Protestants in Germany, succeeded in defeating them. However, couldn’t bring them back to the church, Treaty of Augsburg signed in (1555).

4 England and the Reformation
Henry VIII initially supported the Catholic faith by defending the church against Martin Luther. (1521) However, Henry was tired of the Church running his country of England. The Anglican Church was born. (1529) Six years and a divorce… The king was the “only supreme head on earth” of the Church of England.

5 Queen Mary I ( ) She changed the religious doctrine of England. “Bloody Mary” as she was called for attempting to restart the Catholic faith through fear. Anyone that was labeled a heretic was burned at the stake. Nearly 280 burned at the stake.

6 Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada
Daughter of Anne Boleyn. She reinstated the Anglican Church, but did not attempt to kill off the Catholics. (1559) Elizabethan Compromise laid foundations of the Anglican Church. She would battle against Philip and the Spanish Armada in 1588, partly because of religion.

7 Catholic Reformation The Catholic Church waited too long to respond to the Protestant Reformation. Much of Northern England was lost to the Protestants. They sought to attain two goals. Reform the Church Establish countermeasures against Protestantism. There was a rigorous campaign to improve the morals of the clergy.

8 Council of Trent ( ) Sought to keep a balance favorable to Rome. Reform and reinvigorate the church. Restated beliefs and corrected abuses. Simony = sale of Church positions. (outlawed) Chastity was restored. There was no compromise with Luther or Calvin.

9 Ignatius of Loyola Spanish nobleman who founded a new society based on service to the pope. He became a soldier of the lord. Founded the Jesuits. They took the monastic views of chastity, poverty, and obedience to the pope.

10 Who am I? I believe in indulgences.
I held the Council of Trent to reform my church. I posted the 95 Theses in an effort to protest injustices. I led the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits. My major beliefs involve a relationship with the bible and God.

11 One of my major beliefs involves Predestination.
I promoted the institution of Purgatory for sinners. I do not allow extravagance, eliminating everything from dancing to sleeping in church. I eliminated the excessive spending of the past, and returned to a modest living situation. I left the Church to gain an annulment, and control religion in England.  

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