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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A.

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1 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A

2 Milk shake 奶昔(由牛奶和冰淇淋 等搅制而成的混合饮料)

3 some kinds of milk shake
an apple milk shake a strawberry milk shake a banana milk shake a watermelon milk shake

4 What ingredients do we need? ingredients
原料;材料;成分 What ingredients do we need? ingredients banana milk ice cream blender 4

5 peel a banana peel a pear peel an apple peel peel some oranges 剥,削 5

6 cut up the bananas cut it up cut up 6

7 put into 把…放…里面 put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender 7

8 pour…into… pour the water into the cup pour the milk into the blender
把…倒入… 8

9 turn on/off the blender
打开 turn it on/off turn off 关上 9

10 a cup glass bottle bowl of milk shake water milk tea drink 10

11 Read the new words peel cut up put…into… pour..into… turn on drink 11

12 turn on cut up drink peel pour put Drink Pour Peel Cut up Put Turn on
Consolidation: write the words in the right blanks: turn on cut up drink peel pour put Drink Pour ______ the milk shake ______ the milk in the blender Peel _____ the bananas Cut up _______ the bananas Put _____the bananas and ice cream in the blender Turn on _________ the blender

13 How to make a banana milk shake?
First, peel… Next, cut up… Next, put … into … Then, pour …into ... Next, turn on… Finally ,drink…

14 Listen and put the instructions in order.
5 __Turn on the blender. __Cut up the bananas. __Drink the milk shake. __Pour the milk into the blender. __Put the bananas and-ice cream in the blender. __Peel three bananas. 2 6 4 3 1 Check your answers.

15 祈使句 祈使句,祈使句,请求、命令或建议。 主语是you常省去,动词原形开头记。 否定形式要注意,句首要把Don’t加。

16 Pair work: Make a dialogue
A: I’m hungry! Let’s make a banana milk shake. B: How do you make a banana milk shake? A: Well, first peel three bananas. B: Three bananas? A: Yes. Then cup up the bananas. B: OK, I’m finished. A: Now put the bananas and ice cream in the blender. Then pour the milk in the blender. B: Is this enough milk? A: I guess so. Next, turn on the blender. Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.

17 Let’s make fruit salad

18 2a Listen and complete the chart.
How many bananas, How much yogurt, watermelons apples oranges honey

19 2b Listen again. one two three one cup two spoons honey
Write the ingredients under the correct amount in the chart. one two three one cup two spoons Watermelon, apples bananas yogurt honey orange

20 How many + _____名词____数
我发现了: How many和How much 在用法上的区别是: How many + _____名词____数 可数 How much + _____名词 不可数

21 3a Circle the correct word in each question.
How (much/many) bananas do we need? How (much/many) sugar do we need? How (much/many) bread do we need? How (much/many) tomatoes do we need? How (much/many) cheese do we need?

22 How do you make fruit salad?
1.Cut up three bananas, two apples, a watermelon and an orange. 2. Put the fruit in a bowl. 3. Put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. 4. Mix them up.

23 Homework Make a kind of milk shake/ fruit salad for your parents. And write down the steps(步骤). en com

24 Thank You!

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