Behavior Spelling Words Homework

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1 Behavior Spelling Words Homework
Week of Feb.6th-10th Name: __________________________ Homework Calendar will be collected and checked every Friday. Behavior Purple: Leader of the Pack ($3) Blue: Grrrrreat Behavior ($2) Green: Ready to Explore ($1) Yellow: Warning Red: Uh-oh! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Behavior Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student will not be able to attend Fun Friday if he/she has 2 yellows or 1 red in one week. He/she will go to the Responsibility Room to reflect on his/her behavior and make a goal for the following week. Spelling Words Words with ai, ay play grain sail mail may rain way day stay pain Challenge Words first sometimes right Weekly Story: Where Does Food Come From? Grammar Skill: Names of: months, days, holidays Homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Math Math Worksheet Reading -Complete your nightly reading fluency homework *see back* -Practice word list in your homework binder! -Read for minutes and record book(s) below– remember our class WIG! Spelling Spelling Choice Menu (backside of binder)- 2 activities due on Friday. Other Practice tucking in your shirt! Practice tying shoes! Practice writing complete sentences with a capital and period! Don’t forget your spelling homework tomorrow! Reading Log: Please fill out nightly. Goal is to read 1,250 books as a class! Day Title of Book(s): Who read? (circle one) Monday student parent Tuesday Wednesday Thursday (Thursday) Parent Signature: ___________________________________________

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