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Elementary Summer Updates

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1 Elementary Summer Updates 2016-2017
District Steering Chairs: Kdg—Bryan Scruggs, Megan Stucky; 1st— Jennifer Malcolm, Kayla Kinderknecht; 2nd—Susan Guinn, Michelle Pederson; 3rd—Kathleen Benton, Jared Larson; 4th—Inge Noa, Christi Bullock; 5th—Jennifer Farr, Ken Reever.

2 New Time Allocations CORE REQUIREMENTS-MUST BE PART OF THE DAILY SCHEDULE and MUST BE MADE UP IN FLEX TIME IF INTERRUPTED Math ~ 90 minutes ELA/Reading ~ 90 minutes (can be integrated) STEM ~ 30 minutes daily (can be done as 75 min. twice a week or 50 min. three times a week) STEM includes Science, Technology, and Engineering Writing/Grammar/Spelling/Word Work ~ 30 minutes MTSS ~ 30 minutes Lunch and Lunch Recess ~ 40 minutes (30 minutes duty free time) Specials such as PE/Music/TA ~ 60 minutes (Teacher Plan time) Recess in a.m. or p.m ~ 15 minutes (Health and Wellness) Flex Time ~ 50 minutes (time to make up Core Instruction or may be used for Social Studies, Social Skills, Art, Type to Learn, Handwriting, Health/Wellness lessons, snack, Read Alouds, or other core areas needing additional time

3 Math Changes for 2016-2017 Assessments Rubrics Spreadsheets
Number Talks Pacing Guide Print Shop Grade Card Guide SharePoint/ OneNote for Grade 5

4 Assessments-Math All the assessments were reviewed and some grade levels removed problems. The rigor of the assessments was not affected by the revisions.

5 Spreadsheets-Math Modules/Fluency
Spreadsheets have been made to help identify MTSS Tier groups of students based on the rubric scores of 4, 3, 2, 1. They will also help to provide rubric scores for the standards at the end of the unit. The standards appearing in green are the standards that appear on the grade card that quarter. The spreadsheets are in the grade level folders in SharePoint. When you download the Excel Spreadsheet, you will need to save the document to your computer before making any changes (you might have to select edit a the top of the document)

6 Number Talks Number Talks are a critical element of the new Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards and must be understood by all teachers teaching EngageNY. All new teachers and those that haven’t taken Number Talks need to enroll in My Learning Plan

7 Pacing Guide-Math The Pacing Calendar/Guide was reviewed. Suggestions were included on the Guide for which lessons to combine and omit based upon the Great Minds website. You will need to look ahead to see what lessons are combined and make sure you include what needs to be covered when you compress the lessons to teach together. There is a Smartboard lesson made for every lesson.

8 Grade Card Guide-Math There were slight revisions to the quarterly correlation of skills for each quarter in some grade levels. These changes can be found in Sharepoint grade level folders.

9 Where Can I Get Math Help?
Task Force Members Academic Coach Teaching and Learning STEM Coaches Remember: ALWAYS read the Learning Progressions before you begin a Module and refer to them for guidance

10 ELA Changes for 2016-2017 Assessments ELA Fluency Spreadsheets Grammar
Journeys Pacing Guide and Lesson Targets Grade Card Guide Writing SharePoint/ OneNote (Grade 5) Print Shop

11 ELA Updates We have sessions in My Learning Plan to support ELA throughout the year. The first round: K-2 on Sept. 12 from 4-5:30pm and 3-5 on Sept. 19th from 4-5:30pm. Not all teachers need to attend. It is recommended that one from each grade level attend from each building.

12 Assessments-ELA The District ELA K-5 Common Assessment will now be Istation. IStation assessments will be given a minimum of 3 times a year (see District Assessment Calendar for testing window in Shared Documents folder). One Oral Reading Fluency on a cold read for a Baseline will be required at the beginning of the year. Class results will be recorded on a spreadsheet (on SharePoint) for building use. Additional passages have been pulled from DIBELS to use for Quarterly Fluency Assessments (optional) that may also be recorded on the spreadsheet and used for the Reading Fluency skill scores on the grade card and to support Tier 2 and Tier 3 progress monitoring. DIBELS and SRI/CRA are no longer required-however you may still use DIBELS (building decision). SRI (Now the Reading Inventory) is no longer required, but again my be used (building decision).

13 Grammar A Grammar folder has been added to SharePoint with Lessons and Resources to support integrated Grammar instruction for all elementary schools grade levels K-5. Grades for Grammar may be recorded in the Word Work portion of the grade card. The task forces worked very hard to integrate as much reading and writing in the grammar lessons to make it more meaningful and not taught in isolation. The Write Well free resource scope and sequence was used by many grade levels as a guide. We will see how this goes as we update Grammar next summer. More information on Write Well can be found here. The St. Clair County RESA has created these free source materials for all to use.

14 Journeys Materials For the schools using Journeys ELA program, materials should be in your building. A Journeys folder has been added with the Pacing Calendar and other resources for each grade level.

15 ELA Journeys Pacing Calendar and Lesson Targets
Pacing Calendar and Lessons by Quarter are in the Journeys Folder on SharePoint. Each grade level created a Year at a Glance/Units at a Glance document to support SFA and Journeys in their Sharepoint folders.

16 Writing Information Writing Genres will be assessed by quarter for the grade card using the on demand prompts and rubrics created by the district are found in the grade level folders on Sharepoint. Writing for Journeys will be assessed at the end of the cycle that the genre is completed for that quarter….see Pacing Calendar for dates Baseline Narrative Assessments will still need to be completed at the beginning of the year to help guide instruction and monitor growth.

17 Print Shop-ELA No items for ELA have been sent to Print Shop
You will need to print off and copy (or send to Print Shop) your baseline Fluency Assessment (recording sheet and student passage) for ELA to use at the beginning of the year. Student passages for baseline and quarterly ORF assessments are in the ELA Fluency Assessment folders by grade level in SharePoint.

18 Fifth Grade--OneNote The 5th grade task force created a OneNote folder for their grade level. If you want to be invited, let Jennifer Farr or Ken Reever know.

19 Science The Science Task Force worked this summer to create 4 units per grade level. This work can be found by following these directions: Click on the link below and find your grade level One Note- make sure that you are signed in. When you open the One Note make sure that you choose One Note so that you have the most recent version. It make take a little bit for all the pages to load because these are such big files. After you have opened it once, it will always be in your OneNote. rces/Forms/AllItems.aspx Elementary Science Materials will also be piloted this year for adoption for next year.

20 Questions/Wrap Up Please or contact a member of the District Steering Committee or Greg or Mona, if you have questions.

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