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INTD 150 Library and Internet Research

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1 INTD 150 Library and Internet Research

2 Open the following tabs:
Pick up QUIZ #2 Closed-book Hand quiz in when done Open the following tabs: Google Milne Library website

3 Accessing Sources Free-text searching Boolean searching
Keyword searching Subject searching Internet search engines Databases Library Catalog

4 Bailout of Automobile Industry in Michigan
Economics Discipline Subjects are narrower areas of a discipline Great Recession of 2008 Topic Bailout of Automobile Industry in Michigan Aspect Economic Bailouts Loan Policies Subjects Aspects/facets are narrower parts of a topic comprised of subjects that can be researched Government Regulation Michigan Automobile Industry See pages 61 and 67 from week 2 handout

5 Free-text searching is a casual search method

6 Keyword Searching breaks research question into concepts but ignores relationships
Gaming computer/gaming PC/high-end computer/gaming rig Build/Custom/Assemble How do I build a gaming computer with high-quality components? Sometimes useful Ignored by search engine components/high-end/high quality/ enthusiast

7 Boolean Operators

8 Parentheses separate sets of instructions
pets AND (cats OR dogs) pets AND (cats OR feline)

9 Quotations retrieve exact matches (aka exact phrase)

10 Truncation and wildcards allow for word variation
* or ! or ? Truncation: rock* = rocks, rocky, rocket Wildcard: wom*n = woman, women Database dependent (Google doesn’t truncate)

11 Boolean searching in Google with limiters can return precise results
Search Strings: (build OR custom) AND (“gaming computer” OR “gaming PC”) AND components –console

12 Academic Example What effect does divorce have on
Divorce/separation/failing marriage What effect does divorce have on academic achievement in elementary school children? Academic achievement/ grades/education Elementary school children/primary school children/children

13 Discovery Services aren’t as great as they sound
…but not really… EBSCO Discovery Service

14 Free text search: divorce and academic achievement in children

15 Creating a possible search string (aka query) from concepts
AND divorce AND academic AND children OR academic OR “academic achievement” NOT children NOT preschool children –preschool divorce AND (academic* OR “academic achievement”) AND children NOT preschool

16 Boolean Search: divorce AND (academic
Boolean Search: divorce AND (academic* OR “academic achievement”) AND children NOT preschool

17 Keywords are natural language, best used in internet search engines
Concept: Personal computer Gaming Computer PC Computer Hardware Microsoft/ Apple

18 Do not use slang or highly technical terms

19 Subject Term: Computers
Subject searching is controlled vocabulary, best used in databases with thesauri (aka descriptors, subject terms, subject headings) Keyword: Computer Hardware Keyword: Computer [Example from WorldCat] Subject Term: Computers Not appropriate for proper nouns or internet search engines

20 Database thesauri provide subject term conversions
NOT the same as a Merriam-Webster Thesaurus Database thesauri are dictionaries to controlled vocabularies

21 There are several ways to find subject terms
ASC: Subject Terms WorldCat: Subjects ASC: Database Record

22 Use WorldCat from Databases tab

23 LC Class Descriptors can help you locate other materials

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