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Ch. 5, Sect. 2 Colonists Resist Control

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1 Ch. 5, Sect. 2 Colonists Resist Control
Unifying the Colonies!

2 Pontiac’s War Pontiac  Leader of Ottawa nation
He built an alliance with the western Native Americans Attacked British, who then retaliated and killed many Native Americans who had not attacked them

3 Proclamation of 1763 To prevent further wars with Native Americans
Banned movement west of the Appalachian Mountains, but colonists wanted to live wherever they wanted Colonists ignored it, and it was hard to enforce

4 Unity! Colonists started forming a unity
Still loyal to Britain, but identified more with each other Served in militia during war, and wanted Britain to be grateful. Britain was in debt from war, and needed money  TAXES!

5 Sugar Act & Quartering Act
Placed a duty on imported products Quartering Act In order to keep troops in colonies to prevent attacks by French, they had to “quarter” them House, feed, and provide supplies 10,000 troops!

6 Stamp Act Colonists told to purchase tax stamps for products and activities  They wanted their own control Patrick Henry (Virginia) against Act  spoke out NY, Boston, Philly followed  boycotted goods Sent petition to King & Parliament to end Sugar & Stamp Act  approved! However, Parliament passed Declaratory Act, which put Britain in charge of colonies  NOT good

7 Townshend Act 1767 No more tax on products and activities inside colonies, just on imported colonies Writs of Assistance Searches in peoples homes  violation of rights! More boycotts  repeal of Townshend taxes, except for tea

8 Boston Massacre Workers & sailors vs. Soldiers
Soldiers were arrested, went to trial, and defended by Mass. lawyer, John Adams Committee of Correspondence Founded by Samuel Adams (cousin to John) to inform colonists of British actions

9 VOCAB DEFINITIONS Duty Boycott Petition Writ of Assistance
Tax on imports Boycott Organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products Petition Written request to a government Writ of Assistance Court orders that allowed officials to make searches without saying for what they were searching

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