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Welcome to Year 8 Information Night

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1 Welcome to Year 8 Information Night

2 TUTORS 8Be Mr Bourne 8Cr Mrs Ford 8Lv Mr van der Leij 8Sr Ms Mugridge
8Tn Mr Tutton

3 Year 8 - an important year!
Transfer; Thomas Hardye/Studio School On-line, closes mid-night 31st October Telephone (paper copy) Confirmation of places: 1st March 2017

4 Tests End of year tests English, Maths and Science GL tests June

5 Yr8 Curriculum English All Literacy work complies with the Key Stage 3 National Literacy Strategy and the National Curriculum. Refugee Boy Benjamin Zephaniah Modern poetry Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing Sci-Fi: War of the Worlds, Sound of Thunder

6 Yr 8 Curriculum Maths Number work, to include fractions, decimals, percentages, negatives, mental and written methods Algebra Shape and space Data handling Extension topics for higher sets eg. Pythagoras’ Theorem, Trigonometry, Simultaneous equations

7 Yr 8 Curriculum Science Scientific enquiry: Pupils continue to develop their investigative skills and use scientific ideas and models to explain observations and measurements. Life processes and living things: Pupils study respiration and photosynthesis. Materials and their properties: Pupils study the chemical reactions of metals. Physical processes: Pupils study forces and motion, light, sound, conservation of energy, electricity and magnetism.

8 Yr 8 Curriculum History Pupils are offered opportunities to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in describing and explaining historical change and its causes. The Slave Trade The Industrial Revolution World War One

9 Geography Yr 8 Curriculum Water on the land China and India
Weather and Climate

10 Yr 8 Curriculum Theology and Ethics
CHRISTIANITY: ‘Did Jesus save the World?’ – exploring the role of Jesus and how he has helped Christians’ live their lives today. ‘Jesus for today’ – explore how Jesus is relevant today. SIKHISM: Explore what Sikhism shows about equality PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION: children investigate how people are treated similarly – differently and why? HOLOCAUST: children find out about this event and think about how we can prevent it from happening again.

11 Yr 8 Curriculum DT  Extensive projects in three main areas developing a wide range of skills and technique. TEXTILES: design and make a bag identifying its purpose. FOOD: developing, evaluating and cooking skills, looking at the combination of ingredients in an upside-down pudding, pasta dish and a pizza. RESISTANT MATERIALS: designing and making an Acrylic Novelty Clock.

12 Yr 8 Curriculum Art Pupils study the visual elements of line, shape, texture, pattern, colour form and tone and the work of artists, craftsmen and designers. Skills of drawing, painting, observation, collage, printing, modelling and sculpture are practised using a variety of materials including paints, pastels, chalks, textiles and developed through the themes of Perspective, the human form and Australian Aboriginal design.

13 Music Yr 8 Curriculum History of Popular Music 1950-1990
“Christmas no.1” for the Carol Competition. Film music; performances of various film themes as well as composing a soundtrack to a film extract. cover version of a famous / current song.  Reggae song and the Ragtime piece “The Entertainer” Dance Music and pupils further their understanding using our computer programme to create their own track.

14 PE & Games Yr 8 Curriculum
Netball, Soccer, Rugby, Health Related Fitness in the Fitness Suite, Gymnastics, Dance, Basketball, Hockey, Cricket, Volleyball, Athletic activities, Handball, Tennis and Rounders

15 Yr 8 Curriculum French Pupils will build on the foundation of Modern Language Learning experienced in Year 7. They will continue to focus on the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing as laid out in the National Curriculum and will incorporate Computer Aided Learning, Videos and Tapes, Songs, Games, Role- Play and Grammar Knowledge using the Studio Scheme. Pupils follow a differentiated course according to ability – A residential stay in a French Youth Hostel is an option during project week.

16 ICT Yr 8 Curriculum Judge the reliability and validity of information;
Refine Internet search techniques; Develop spreadsheet models by adding more variables and rules; Ask questions of a model by changing variables, including use of goal seek; Test the model using random number generation; Use charts to present and interpret findings from a model; Show that a fund raising project is viable by: demonstrating that marketing would persuade a target audience; creating a financial model based on information from web sites and other data to show the project is profitable; and by designing and testing a control system to produce the product. Animation, creating own gifts.

17 PSHCE Yr 8 Curriculum Developing critical decision making skills
Adolescence: helping deal with this confusing time in our lives. Britain as a diverse society: Race and Equality Drugs, Alcohol, Homelessness and the Law (input from multi agencies) Sex Education: ‘R-U-Ready?’ + contraception (Input by School Nurses) Media and Society

18 Home Learning Twice weekly:
KS3 French: Preparation for writing tasks. Internet programmes to practise spoken French and memorise vocabulary Weekly: KS3 English: Tasks will be set asking students to continue with work started in class, edit, redraft or create best copies. KS3 Maths: Questions will consolidate work covered in class. KS3 Science: Students will be required to complete work relating to the current topic.

19 St Osmund’s Approach to Learning A 3 way Partnership between pupils, staff and parents
Are you a successful and motivated learner? READY TO LEARN RESOURCEFUL RESPONSIBLE RESILIENT REFLECTIVE Article 28: Every child has the right to a good education 5 4 3 2 Completes class work frequently exceeding teacher expectations Highly motivated and seeks a challenge Actively listens and makes invaluable contributions An independent and proactive learner Works collaboratively and supports other pupils’ learning 1 Completes class work regularly exceeding teacher expectations Well motivated and accepts a challenge Listens and engages actively in the learning Works with increasing independence Works collaboratively with confidence Works to a standard meeting teacher expectations Motivated to learn, demonstrating some initiative Listens well but could engage more actively Stays on task Works collaboratively Class work completed below teacher expectations on a regular basis Would benefit from more motivation to learn Listening skills need developing further Needs reminding to stay on task Difficulties in working collaboratively Class work is rarely completed Behaviour disrupts their learning and that of others Listening skills are poor Rarely stays on task Rarely works collaboratively ATLs to be sent out December and end of year

20 DASP Middle Schools 5 Band System
Language 5 Significantly beyond Age Expected Standard and at greater depth 4 Beyond Age Expected Standard 3 Age Expected Standard 2 Close to achieving Age Expected Standard 1 Working towards Age Expected Standard Core subject bands will be sent out in December. All teachers will give bands at subject parents evenings in February. Bands for all subjects sent out in EOY reports.

21 Education Extra (EdEx)
EdEx aims to compliment the work of teachers and tutors. Additional support can be given in areas of academic, physical or emotional need. The type of support offered is identified by : assessment, recommendations from external services or observations. We avoid doing intervention during lessons wherever possible, using registration times instead. Permission is always sought from parents, before an intervention from EdEx begins and progress is clearly monitored and recorded. If you need to discuss areas of Special Educational Need (SEN) or intervention, please contact either Nita Dooley – SENCO or Amelia Dipple – Principal TA

22 Clubs Art Badminton Basketball Football - girls and boys
Ossies Cake Company (via interview) Chess Conservation Gardening

23 Clubs Overcoming injustice (‘OI’) Rugby Running Table tennis
Eco Schools Veggie Club Warhammer + Yu-Gi-oh

24 ‘Ticks’ are awarded for displaying the qualities of the 7Cs…
Rewards and Sanctions ‘Ticks’ are awarded for displaying the qualities of the 7Cs… The tutor group with the most ‘Ticks’ every half term wins a non-school uniform Friday. Slight change from information in the Home Link book- new system means no individual tick winners

25 This will be recorded in the Home School Link Book
Rewards and Sanctions Behaviour that contravenes the ‘Respect Charter’ will result in a warning, followed by an invitation to attend ‘Behaviour Improvement Club’ (BIC) This will be recorded in the Home School Link Book 1 x Bic The Respect charter is a document that was written by the students and staff together, then ratified by the governors and helps inform our school behaviour policy- its in the Home link Book

26 “The single most important thing that adults can do to enable their child to achieve their potential? Help them to enjoy reading.” Students must have a reading book with them in school every day, every lesson.


28 Home School Link Book (HSLB)
Signed weekly Communication Handwriting pens Black or blue….not BIC or gel pens!

29 Yr8 TRIPS The French Trip (during Activity Week)
River trips (part of the Geography curriculum) STEM

30 Questions?

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