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Diffraction Grating bends white light coming from an object

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Presentation on theme: "Diffraction Grating bends white light coming from an object"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diffraction Grating bends white light coming from an object
separates the light into the wavelengths (colors) of the visible light spectrum

2 Electromagnetic Spectrum and Astronomic Distances
10/4/16 Electromagnetic Spectrum and Astronomic Distances Objective: I will diagram the electromagnetic spectrum. I will compare the different measurement units used to measure distances in space. PAGE 21

3 Light Light is electromagnetic energy travels in waves
photon- basic particle of light

4 Electromagnetic Spectrum
range of all the wavelengths of light given off by objects


6 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio Microwave Infrared Visible (ROY G. BIV) Ultraviolet X-ray Gamma

7 Radio longest wavelength, lowest energy

8 Microwave Used by astronomers to map the early universe

9 Infrared used to detect heat coming from objects

10 (ROY G. BIV) Visible Light light we can detect with our eyes Shorter
Longer Wavelength Shorter Wavelength (ROY G. BIV)

11 Ultraviolet given off by the Sun, causes sunburn

12 X-Ray helps in the field of medicine

13 Gamma Rays shortest wavelength, highest energy

14 Electromagnetic Spectrum and Astronomic Distances
10/4/16 Electromagnetic Spectrum and Astronomic Distances Objective: I will diagram the electromagnetic spectrum. I will compare the different measurement units used to measure distances in space. PAGE 21

15 Distances in Space In astronomy, scientists rarely use kilometers
too small! only use km for diameters of planets or how far away a moon is from the planet

16 Astronomical Unit the distance from the earth to the sun
1 AU = 93 million miles used to measure distances between planets


18 Light Year distance light travels in one year
measure of distance, NOT time Speed of light is 3 x 108 m/s

19 Light Year used to measure distances between stars and galaxies

20 Light Year If light travels 300,000 km/s, how far does light travel in one year? This distance you calculate is the distance of one light-year. Show all of your work and answers on page 20.


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