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Three more tags… Sound Redirection Marquee 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Three more tags… Sound Redirection Marquee 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three more tags… Sound Redirection Marquee 1

2 S.C.U.B.A 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 One Table 3 Rows 4 columns 1 2 3 7

8 One Table 3 Rows 4 columns 1 2 3 4 8

9 One Table 3 Rows 4 columns 9

10 The Marquee Tag 10

11 <img src=“fish.jpg”> This text will move Options:
The Marquee Tag <marquee> This text will move </marquee> <img src=“fish.jpg”> This text will move Options: direction = “left” [ right ] 11

12 <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ] , up
The Marquee Tag <marquee> This text will move </marquee> <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ] , up , down] Down 12

13 <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ]
The Marquee Tag <marquee> This text will move </marquee> <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ] , up, down] behavior = “scroll” [ slide ] This is scroll This is slide 13

14 <img src=“fish.jpg”>
The Marquee Tag <marquee> This text will move </marquee> <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ] , up, down] behavior = “scroll” [ slide ] , alternate ] 14

15 <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ]
The Marquee Tag <marquee> This text will move </marquee> <img src=“fish.jpg”> Options: direction = “left” [ right ] , up, down] behavior = “scroll” [ slide ] , alternate ] bgcolor Bgcolor=“yellow” 15

16 <img src=“fish.jpg”> </marquee>
The Marquee Tag <marquee> <img src=“fish.jpg”> </marquee> <marquee direction = "left" scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="20"> <img src="yellowfish.gif" alt="A yellow Fish"> </marquee> Details on the handout Options: direction = “left” [ right ] , up, down] behavior = “scroll” [ slide ] , alternate ] bgcolor height / width loop scrollamount / scrolldelay 16

17 Adding SOUND to your Webpage!

18 Newer versions of Internet Explorer recognize BOTH tags…
Sound Tag This tag works with I.E. NOT with Netscape Newer versions of Internet Explorer recognize BOTH tags… <bgsound src=“hi_ho.wav" autostart="true" loop="infinite"> <embed src=“hi_ho.wav" width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="true"> This tag works with Netscape. NOT with older versions of I.E. 18

19 Sound Tag <noembed>
<bgsound src="FileName" autostart="true" loop="infinite"> </noembed> <embed src="FileName" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="true"> 19

20 re-direct 20

21 Meta tag 21

22 Must be between <head> </head>
Page to load <meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“5; url=index.html”> Time in seconds 22

23 <title>My web Page </title> </head> <body>
<html> <head> <title>My web Page </title> </head> <body> <html> <head> <title>My web Page </title> <meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“5; url=index.html”> </head> <body> 23

24 Honest !!! WHY?? Hey Frank! Cajee! Tom!
I created this great web page, but it’s not working ! I did it JUST like you said !!! Honest !!! WHY?? 24

25 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? <html< <boody bgclr> = “gren” >
<p align=“write”> </ html \ ] <funt size=“9”> ?? ?? ?? ?? 25

26 Check your HTML ! Spelling, Punctuation, Case, Spacing, Syntax 26

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