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Staying Healthy and Reducing Stress

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Healthy and Reducing Stress"— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Healthy and Reducing Stress

2 Eat, Sleep, and Exercise Keep your body fueled. Pick healthy options.
Try to eat at least two or three healthy meals a day. Start the day off right. Eat a nutritious breakfast every morning. Stay well fueled all day. Eat snacks between meals to keep your energy up. Monitor caffeine intake. Enjoy caffeinated beverages, but find the right balance.

3 Make Balanced Food Choices

4 Quick Tip Talk to Someone
If you’re eating a lot more than you think you should and you can’t control yourself, talk to someone. Similarly, if you’re eating a lot less than you think you should, talk to someone. Get help from your mentor, an advisor, or the counseling office. An eating disorder could be a sign that you’re struggling with other aspects of college life, so be sure to ask for help.

5 Eat, Sleep, and Exercise (continued)
Find a sleep solution. Lack of sleep can have a significant impact on your energy level and your ability to concentrate. Try to find a sleep schedule that makes you feel productive and energized. Exercise can make all the difference. Physical activity of all kinds: Relieves tension and stress. Provides needed oxygen to your body. Gives your active brain a much-needed break.

6 Quick Tip Get Enough Sleep
Not getting enough sleep could be an indication that you’re engaged in too many activities, that your course load is too heavy, or that you’re struggling to fit in job hours. Rather than reducing your hours of sleep, try cutting back on something else. And talk to a trusted college advisor or mentor if you’re really struggling to get enough sleep.

7 5 Ways to Fit Exercise Into a Busy College Schedule
Instead of taking the shuttle or driving, walk to your farthest class. Use a bike as your mode of transportation throughout campus. Attend a scheduled class at the gym, such as yoga, to motivate you. Join a club to combine your interests with meaningful exercise. Participate in intramural sports or a sports team that is fun.

8 Manage Your Stress Build a community. Stay connected.
Find instructors, advisors, or mentors you can talk to about the ups and downs of your college experience so they can assist you. Seek out students whom you feel you can connect to. Stay connected. Manage your stress by staying in touch with family, friends, and mentors from your pre-college life. We all derive strength and hope from others, so reach out to someone when you need to.

9 Manage Your Stress (continued)
Be good to yourself. Stay healthy. Stay organized. Take breaks. Do something brainless. Rest and relax. Engage in activities you enjoy. Reward yourself. Get help from campus resources.


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