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Kansas Nebraska Act.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Nebraska Act."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Nebraska Act

2 sm/lesson3/

3 I support the Fugitive Slave Act!!!

4 I support Popular Sovereignty!!!
Stephen Douglas

5 Border Ruffians

6 Bleeding Kansas



9 http://media. education. nationalgeographic

10 John Brown



13 ???Whatever you want??? Pg President Franklin Pierce. Stephen Douglas Proposes what? Popular Sovereignty and why did he propose this? Opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Pro-Slavery forces in Kansas. Anti-Slavery forces in Kansas. Bleeding Kansas, both pro and anti slavery forces. Violence in Congress. For each, explain what happened, but also critically think (this means you can’t just read it) write how each event affects the unity of the country and what might happen as a result of this threat.

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