A Timeline of Key Events

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1 A Timeline of Key Events
Oregon Country A Timeline of Key Events

2 Agenda March 7th 2017 Do Now: Manifest Destiny encouraged the United States to look for western land for its citizens to settle. How do you think the U.S. should go about acquiring more territory on the American continent? Give me one reason to support your preferred policy. Complete close read activities. Hand out timeline worksheets and notecards. Have students put notecards on their backs using tape. Five minute debrief from activity. Exit ticket: Homework: E.Q. Sheets due March 21.

3 Timeline Activity Each of you has a card with a key name and date from the history of Oregon territory. Write your fact from your notecard on the sheet following the example depicted at the top of the worksheet. You will have five minutes to meet with as many classmates as you can to gather information relating to key events in the U.S. expansion westward. We will debrief afterword.

4 Pacific Fur Company Organized
Dominated the fur trade in Oregon and sent out mountain men (trappers and traders who collected beaver pelts for back east) to explore the region. At Rendezvous(meetings) mountain men share locations of Indian trails.

5 U.S. and England agree to Joint occupancy of Oregon.
Both nations continue to settle and explore Oregon without resorting to war.

6 Adams-Onis Treaty Spain gives up its claim to Oregon Country and gives the United States Florida

7 Santa Fe Trail opens U.S. Settlers begin to trade with the Mexican government and settle Mexican territory.

8 Dr. John Floyd calls for Congress to support Oregon Settlement.
First call by American citizens to have government support for migration to Oregon

9 Joint Occupation agreement renewed
John Q. Adams renews(continues) the joint occupancy policy due to limited settlement of Oregon.

10 Dr. Marcus Whitman leads a missionary trip to Oregon
First attempt by white men to convert Oregon natives to Christianity. Missionaries(priests) write about the massive amount of land available for settlement and the friendly relationships with Native Americans.

11 Jason Lee asks Congress to secure Oregon Country for the United States
Major attempt by American citizen to call for government to give land grants to settlers and to have Washington make laws for Oregon Country.

12 First trip of Pioneers from Independence Missouri to Oregon
Mountain men lead a small band of settlers from Missouri to Oregon using a collection of Indian paths known as the “Oregon Trail”. Mountain men now become guides for settlers headed west.

13 First Wagon Train of 1,000 departs for Oregon country on the Oregon Trail
Known as the Great Emigration first mass migration of Americans to Oregon territory

14 The Wolf Meeting Started as a meeting of local leaders to stop attacks by wolves and other animals on livestock. Resulted in the creation of Oregon’s constitution and formation of the government.

15 Slavery outlawed in Origon
Slavery was outlawed but blacks and mixed race persons faced severe settlement restrictions.

16 Stephen Meek leads settlers on a “short cut” through the Oregon territory.
Mountain man leads 200 settlers on an unexplored section of the Oregon trail and all of the families that accompany him die.

17 U.S. Mexican War U.S. gains California, Utah, Nevada, Montana, New Mexico in treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ends the war.

18 Mormon migration Westward
5,000 Mormons travel to Utah to escape religious persecution. Found Deseret (Modern day Salt Lake City).

19 U.S. British treaty sets boundary between U.S. and Canada
U.S. gets the land that will become Oregon and Washington state and the British get the land that will become British Columbia.

20 Oregon Territory established
Oregon gains territorial status but due to sectional tensions and low population does not apply for statehood.

21 Gold Discovered in Sutter’s Mill
Start of mass migration of Americans from the East looking for gold in California. Causes the population of California, Oregon and Utah to expand as settlers look for gold.

22 Many Oregonians Leave for California
One third of the 10,000 settlers living in Oregon leave the territory to find gold.

23 Gold Discovered in Oregon
Oregon population expands as settlers look for gold along the Oregon/ Washington Cost.

24 Washington Territory Founded
Washington state separates from Oregon territory and declares itself an independent territory.

25 Oregon gains statehood
Amid Civil War tensions Oregon gains statehood.

26 Exit ticket What are the three most important events on the time line that most closely express the wish of Manifest Destiny,(conquest of North America) what two events reinforced America’s belief in a Manifest Destiny for the country and what event was key to opening the West to settlement

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