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Presentation on theme: "GUSTAR…."— Presentation transcript:


2 GUSTAR works a bit different…
A (name/s or pronoun) me nos te os le les Gusta or Gustan Noun or Verb No When it’s negative This CLARIFIES who likes it (optional) This agrees with the THING that is liked This tells us WHO likes it This matches the verb and is WHAT it liked It will loosely translate as “________ is pleasing to _________”

3 GUSTAR works a bit different…
When it’s negative This CLARIFIES who likes it (optional) This agrees with the THING that is liked This tells us WHO likes it This matches the verb and is WHAT it liked It will loosely translate as “________ is pleasing to _________”

4 I like pizza Pizza is pleasing to me
Me gusta la pizza I like shoes Shoes are pleasing to me Me gustan los zapatos I like to run Running is pleasing to me Me gusta correr

5 For 3rd person forms…a clarifier is needed
Because…the 3rd person forms could be Singular: él, ella, Ud. Plural: ellos, ellas, Uds. To clarify use: a + person’s name or a pronoun A María le gustan las clases de arte.

6 A Luis no le gustan los postres. No nos gusta practicar.
To say someone does NOT like something… add NO before the me/te/le/nos/os/les No me gusta estudiar. A Luis no le gustan los postres. No nos gusta practicar.

7 A practicar… You like to dance. We don’t like the pens.
Te gusta bailar No nos gustan las plumas Me gusta el escritorio (A él) le gusta dibujar (a ellos) no les gusta la biblioteca (a Ud.) le gustan las sillas (a ella) no le gusta hablar Me gustan los libros Os gusta descansar. You like to dance. We don’t like the pens. I like the desk. He likes to draw. They don’t like the library. You (formal) like the chairs. She doesn’t like to chat. I like the books. You guys like to rest.

8 A practicar… You like to dance. We don’t like the pens.
I like the desk. He likes to draw. They don’t like the library. You (formal) like the chairs. She doesn’t like to chat. I like the books. You guys like to rest.

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