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Central Gardens Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Central Gardens Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Gardens Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting
Celebrating 50 years! Monday, May 8, :00 p.m. Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal School Anchor Center

2 Call to Order & Welcome Recognition of Government officials
and honored guests. Welcome- Thor Kvande, Head of School Approval of 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes President’s Report: Barbara Sysak President’s Appreciation Keynote Speaker: Congressman Steve Cohen Sidewalks update: Anne McCarthy & Robbie Johnson Weinberg Presentation and election of CGA Officers and board members Presentation of incoming President: Kathy Ferguson Adjournment Welcome- new neighbors, members. Honorable Steve Cohen, congressman, Worth Morgan (city councilman)… any others?

3 The GSL Difference Thor Kvande, Head of School
Thank you. The minutes from last year’s meeting are on your chair. May I have a motion to approve the minutes- all in favor aye, nay? Approved.

4 President’s Report Guiding principles Strategic Plan update
New board structure- Pillar Leaders Fiscally sound Highly profitable Home Tour Membership numbers increasing External Recognition Last year I mentioned 4 things that would guide me. An association is all of us You don’t have to think alike to love alike One thing we all share: we all love Central Gardens Our strength is in connecting with each other Community Building- creating a culture of helping neighbors connect with each other Midtown Relationships- active with other neighborhood associations in advocacy Green Spaces & Infrastructure- Sidewalk project. Fiscally sound Highly profitable Home Tour Membership numbers increasing External Recognition Strategic plan- we reogranized around 3 areas of focus

5 President’s Appreciation
Community Building Elise and Mike Frick- Holiday Wreaths Shantih Smythe & Holly Rankin- 4th of July Emily Graham & Calvin Turley- Block Parties Midtown Relationships Gina Cordell, Memphis Room Mary Wilder & Eric Gotlieb- Overton Park Alliance Nancy Jane Baker- Memphis Landmarks Commission 1910 Frame Works & Gallery Greens Spaces & Infrastructure Arboretum Committee led by Lila Beth Burke Sidewalk Initiative- led by Anne McCarthy Public Schools Committee- led by Fara Captain Landmarks COA reviewers- Stephen Redding, Jenna Thompson, Megan Hoover, Mark Fleischer, Shelly Rainwater, Jennifer Jacobson Please stand and keep standing 2 more slides

6 Past Central Gardens Presidents
1975 Kenny Wolfe (half year); Claude Draganza (half year) 1976 Dan Wilkinson 1977 Mary Jane Webb 1978 Pat Wall 1979 Madge Clark 1980 Charles Shipp 1981 John McQuiston 1982 Sissie Canale 1983 Becky Barger 1984 Jon McCalla 1985 Jere Fones 1986 Dick Vandermark 1987 John Baker 1988 Susie Fisher 1989 Dan Hoffman 1990 Barbara Vandermark 1991 Mark Vorder-Bruegge 1992 Sandra Palazola 1993 Eddie Peterson 1994 Mary Walker 1995 Ham Smythe, IV 1996 Nancy Willis 1997 Tom Corona 1998 Libby Pritchard 1999 Jerry Palazolo 2000 Mia Henley 2001 Mike Frick 2002 Lila Beth Burke 2003 Alan Catmur 2004 Sharon Burch 2005 Hutton Easley 2006 Susan Rush 2007 Patti Marsh 2008 Ted Morton 2009 Christina Hall 2010 Ken Cummins 2011 Steven King 2012 Nancy Willis 2013 Susie Jabbour 2014 Matthew Domas 2015 Barrie Simpson

7 Executive Committee Barbara Sysak– President
Kathy Ferguson– Vice President Sheila Noone – Secretary and Community Building Dan Reid – Treasurer Fara Captain – Midtown Relationships Robbie Johnson Weinberg – Green Spaces & Infrastructure Barrie Simpson– Ex Officio Thank you to our executive team. You will see later in the presentation how these folks helped to guide us and focus us on what is important to the neighborhood. AS identified in Strategic Plan listening and survey’s last year.

8 Thanks to our 2016 and 2017 Sponsors
Preservation Sponsor: Home Tour Sponsors: Dr. Allison Stiles, M.D. Eclectic Eye Lexus of Memphis Sowell & Company Realtors Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare Kitchens Unlimited Grace-St.Luke’s Episcopal school Jim Keras Subaru Memphis Buzz Free Mosquito Guidingpoint Financial, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Midtown Living Magazine B.P. Painting Especially Renasant Bank

9 President’s 50th Anniversary Award
Our treasured historian! 24 Years of Service on our Central Gardens Home and Garden Tour (now in its 41st year) Thank you!

10 Thank You Annual Meeting Supporters
Catering for You Joe’s Wine & Liquor Grace-St. Luke’s School And our co-chairs! Lisa Courtney Andrea Sheehan

11 Treasurer’s Report Ending balances of $ are held at Renasant and SunTrust. Notable items: The balance sheet reflects retained earnings of $78, for the year end April 30, 2017. Net income of $44, Income derived from Home & Garden Tour, Memberships/Donations, Merchandise and the Preservation Sponsor. Ending balance up 50% year over year I need a motion to approve. Last year, during the strategic planning process, we surveyed the neighbors to identify where our resources should go. This year, we will be outlining some BIG opportunities for funding and then query the neighbors again to prioritize those projects.  Also, we have very generous neighbors and sponsors! 

12 Congressman Steve Cohen
Biographical Information B.A. Vanderbilt University 1971 J.D. University of Memphis School of Law 1973 Established legal practice in 1978 after serving as a legal advisor for the Memphis Police Department Born May 24, 1949, Memphis, TN Public Office U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman, 110th Congress 2007/2008, re- elected 111th Congress 2009/2010, re-elected 112th Congress 2011/2012, re- elected 113th Congress 2013/2014, re-elected 114th Congress 2015/2016 Tennessee General Assembly, State Senator, 93rd through 104th Sessions, 1982 to 2006 Shelby County Commissioner, Delegate and Vice-President of the Tennessee Constitutional Convention, 1977 I am honored to introduce Congressman Steve Cohen to your annual meeting. He has been our congressman for over 10 years when he was first elected in Prior to that he was our State Senator for 24 years. Kathy’s notes

13 Sidewalk Working Group

14 Our History During mediated listening sessions held in 2016, neighbors identified "walkability" as an important feature of our neighborhood In summer of 2016 a sidewalk committee of 10 neighborhood volunteers was formed to address this popular concern Local advocate is Anne McCarthy

15 Goals for 2017 Identify the extent of sidewalk disrepair in the neighborhood Educate neighbors about how to maintain and repair sidewalks Potentially identify funding opportunities (grants, group pricing, etc.) If you are interested in joining this group of volunteers, please contact Robbie Johnson Weinberg  

16 Goal 1: Identify the extent of sidewalk disrepair in the neighborhood
Progress: Using a Livable Memphis App that enabled community volunteers to chart the current status of the sidewalks around CG Data is collated into a map Approximately 100% of the neighborhood has been captured 

17 Goal 1: Identify the extent of sidewalk disrepair in the neighborhood
Sidewalks were photographed and their condition categorized and catalogued

18 Goal 1: Identify the extent of sidewalk disrepair in the neighborhood
Sidewalks categorized as in disrepair:

19 Goal 1: Identify the extent of sidewalk disrepair in the neighborhood
Sidewalks categorized as in need of immediate repair:

20 Goal 2: Educate neighbors about how to maintain and repair sidewalks
Progress: Guidelines for sidewalk repair are available on the CGA website We have a list of recommended concrete contractors through a city contact. List is available at our table in the hallway. On the CGA website

21 Need for a grant writer has been identified
Goal 3: Potentially identify funding opportunities (grants, group pricing, etc.) Progress: Need for a grant writer has been identified Seek federal and state funding Sought guidance from neighbors involved with foundations on funding avenues and approach Considering discussions with Kroger and Belz Learning about IOBY Individual giving initiative “Bundling” of repairs as a cost savings approach currently under investigation

22 Looking for input, advice and help!
What we are learning: From the data, we know the extent of disrepair in the neighborhood. We feel we can make a difference in Central Gardens, in Memphis and in the US by creating templates on how to tackle this problem. I will share with you the results of our online Sidewalk Survey.

23 Sidewalk Survey- 321 Responses
84% know that it is the homeowners responsibility to maintain and repair. 86% are NOT aware of how to work with the city and get a permit to repair. The results were mixed about options for financing. 1/3 of respondents walk to Kroger on a regular basis.

24 Sidewalk Survey- 121 Comments

25 Other concerns from Survey
Will we have to remove trees to prevent root damage? Can we get crosswalks & lower speeds on major roads? Can we stop heavy vehicles from damaging curbs? Will process be fair? Financial support for lower/fixed-income homeowners?

26 In Conclusion… How you can help: Share what you know with us
What has been your experience? Concrete contractors/vendors? We need person with experience with grants We need a connection to Kroger’s Corporate office Help us create a block bundling process Lobby the city for ordinance change We have time for about 3 questions and we will be available to answer questions after the meeting.

27 Board Members and Slate of Officers

28 Outgoing Board Members
Thank you for your committed service Fara Captain Lisa Courtney Susan Jabbour Micah Rapoport Katie Savage Andrea Sheehan Mary Simon John Viser

29 New Board Members Nominations
1st Term Ned Dannenberg Sara Blackburn Kaleb Brown Tara Burton Mark Fleisher Leigh Martin Jenna Thompson 2nd Term Alan Kleiman 3rd Term Ellen Whitten Slate of Officers President: Kathy Ferguson Vice President: Eddie Hutchison Secretary: Sheila Noone Treasurer: Dan Reid I am presenting our members with new 1st TERM board nominations and the Slate of Officers and the slate of officers. Kathy Ferguson was voted in last year. ARE THERE ANY NOMINATIONS FROM THE FLOOR. Motion to approve the new board members and slate of officers? All in favor- AYE, nay. Approved. Congratulations and thank you for serving! Now I am delighted to present to you the CGA President for Kathy has been a committed board member for 4 years.. As chair of communications for a few years and chair of our most successful home tour last year, she has used her marketing, communications and event management experience to assure that CG remains the premier historic neighborhood in the Mid-South. We can’t thank you enough for continuing to serve in your new role. On a personal note, Kathy has been a literal right arm to me and I can’t thank her enough!

30 Welcome New President Kathy Ferguson
My family moved to Central Gardens 9+ years ago. Having just had our only child, we were looking for our forever home and after an exhaustive search all over the city, we knew Central Gardens was the place for us. Primary goals for : Continue steering the ship towards progress Housekeeping: new bylaws & architectural guidelines More volunteers. The CGA is all of us. The board is just a means to encourage activities. It takes all of us to make it happen.

31 We have come a long way in 50 years!
As the slide says… There is much more information available about each of the committees work on the website. Basically an annual report. Remember is you have more questions or would like to assist us with the sidewalk initiative, we have folks ready to chat with you in the hallway. May I have a motion for the meeting to adjourn? Second? Meeting is adjourn. ...and yet our spirit of community and preservation stays true.

32 Pillar & Committee Updates
The work of the board has been significant this year. Pillar and Committee Reports will be available on our website after the meeting at

33 Green Spaces & Infrastructure
Goal: Protect and enhance to ensure the historic & beauty of the neighborhood City Sweep Project-Completed City Wide Neighborhood initiative in Summer 2016 Sidewalk project – Committee formed in August 2016 to assess condition of sidewalks and strategize plans for improving walkability in our community. Wreath Hanging – Festive brunch offered to volunteers Free Tree Program – Planted 8 trees with both arboretum and replacement trees Landmarks – Revised process to offer more help to neighbors and evaluated 15 cases for COA (Certificates of Appropriateness)

34 Midtown Relationships
Build relationships with organizations and entities that share common goals with the Midtown area. Compiled list of contacts at other neighborhood associations Active with Overton Park Alliance, Midtown Memphis Development Corporation, Midtown Action Coalition, Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive plan. Public Schools- active committee, promoting PS activities to neighbors Safety- Need only 24 new Phelps members to get a second part time truck Neighborhood Watch regular meetings with speakers.

35 Community Building Build Community through neighborhood interactions and events. 40th CGA Annual Home & Garden Tour Annual Fourth of July Parade Annual Meeting Numerous block parties, National Night Out parties, Cop Stops Block party “how to” available on website:

36 Operations Communications- NEW resource section on website- architectural guidelines, 311, How To's, Free Tree Program and Sidewalk Repair. Membership- xxxxx Restructured Board- Pillars established to create greater focus and alignment with Strategic Plan. Board meetings 6x/year, new format for meetings, created board decision matrix. Engagement- better tracking of volunteers, new neighbors, VIP Meet & Greet at Annual Meeting. Finance- see treasurer's report

37 Encourage your neighbors to join or renew!
Membership Update Offering new membership categories 387 members have joined or renewed since Jan 1 Total memberships: FY $35,625 Membership increased by almost 10% Still, only about 30% of Central Gardens households are members. Encourage your neighbors to join or renew!

38 Membership Retail Strategy
Pilot Program to encourage businesses to support Central Gardens. Businesses now have the opportunity to support us beyond just an ad or a home tour sponsorship. They can become a Business Booster for $50/yr

39 Landmarks, Zoning and Compliance
CG Landmarks Committee continues to work closely with owners, architects and developers of projects surrounding our neighborhood, to help maintain overall integrity of Midtown. In furtherance of this goal, the Landmarks Committee sent out about twenty letters to architects and builders who have previously worked on Central Gardens’ homes inviting them to collaborate with the CG Landmarks Committee on any future projects and directed them to the CG Architectural Guidelines. Over the past year, CG Landmarks Committee has reviewed at least 15 residents’ applications for Certificates of Appropriateness and has regularly advocated for adherence to CG’s Architectural Guidelines downtown before the Memphis Landmarks Commission. Over the past year, CG Landmarks Committee has reviewed and advised CG residents on at least twenty compliance issues including commercial zoning and plans, installation of pools, pergolas, back houses, additions, landscaping, windows, parking issues and numerous other items;

40 Landmarks, Zoning and Compliance
CG Landmarks Committee has also worked with the Cooper Young Association to assist them in achieving Historic Conservation status and draft their own Architectural Guidelines; Central Gardens Architectural Guidelines provide rules for external renovations, new building and demolition of existing structures. The Committee has formed a sub-committee to update these Guidelines and anticipates submitting a draft to the Landmarks Commission for their review and comment this Summer and thereafter, holding two public meetings on the updated Architectural Guidelines. The Historic Overlay District in the Unified Development Code (UDC) provides additional protection for all midtown neighborhoods. The Landmarks Committee is continuing to work with staff on problems with: neighbor disputes, Air BnB, fences and blight. Current property design guidelines are available on under the Resources tab located at

41 Please continue to report suspicious activity to
Safety Quarterly Central Gardens Neighborhood Watch Skycop and private cameras discussion Phelps patrol and crime mapping; greater awareness of how we can use Phelps as a tool in crime prevention and overall safety Continued promotion of Phelps subscriptions 24 members away from a second part time Phelps truck Ongoing communication with MPD and Crump Station Neighborhood Watch Resources Working with other Midtown Neighborhood Watch Programs to learn what does and doesn’t work. Partnering with CGA Sidewalk Committee to make CG even more walkable and safer Please continue to report suspicious activity to Memphis Police

42 Fourth of July Parade The weather couldn’t have been better for this year’s Central Gardens July 4th Parade! Led by Jeremy Shrader's Hot Memphis Six, participants set off for Willett in patriotic style. There were 16 prize winners! This annual event brings out our neighborhood’s creative best, and this year was no exception! Big THANKS to Shantih Smythe and Holly Rankin who were co-chairs of the parade.

43 40th Annual Home Tour The 40th Annual Central Gardens Home & Garden Tour was a huge success, drawing record crowds Special thanks to Opera Memphis, Stax Music Academy, Ballet Memphis and Penny Kings for providing musical entertainment New this year: the Hospitality Center with food trucks and more Reprise of the very popular antique car show Thanks to all of our Home Owners and Sponsors And a very special thanks to the hundreds of Central Gardens residents who volunteer to make this event so wonderful!

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