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American Revolution End of War and Outcomes.

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1 American Revolution End of War and Outcomes

2 After the surrender at Yorktown, Cornwallis met with Washington.
Picture by Richard Stein

3 After Yorktown The news from Yorktown caused shockwaves in Britain. King George wanted to keep fighting, but Parliament voted in favor of peace.

4 Signing of the Treaty of Paris (1783) American and British representatives met in Paris to sign the treaty that would officially recognize America as its own nation.

5 The Treaty of Paris Britain recognized the independence of the United States. The United States agreed to “earnestly recommend” that the states restore rights and property taken from the Loyalists during the war. However, most states ignored this pledge. On April 15, 1783, Congress approved the treaty. It had been exactly 8 years since the “shot heard round the world” started the fighting at Lexington. The war was officially over.

6 America after the Treaty of Paris in 1783

7 The United States of America was now its own nation and free from Britain.

8 The Americans took risks for freedom, faced many challenges, and achieved many successes on their way to becoming a free nation. Picture by Richard Stein

9 It seemed like the war would be a huge mismatch.
Continental Army Lack of supplies, money, and weapons Lack of trained soldiers Lack of experience Only 4 boats – no real Navy Army not well organized British Army Plenty of money, weapons and supplies Highly trained soldiers Lots of experience More than 250 naval ships World’s most powerful army VS The Granger Collection, New York

10 So How Did the Americans Win?
Factors contributing to the American victory fell into four main groups. Geographic advantages Help from abroad Patriotic spirit Skilled leadership

11 Geography Americans were fighting in their home territory.
They knew the forests, hills, and swamps. Being far from home, the British had to depend on longer supply lines that stretched across the Atlantic.

12 Metropolitan Museum of Art

13 Help From Abroad The Americans might never have won without French military help. Men such as Lafayette provided needed leadership and support Money from countries like Spain and the Netherlands was also crucial.

14 SwampFoxFrancisMarion –French / Amon Carter Museum; Fort Worth, Texas

15 Patriotic Spirit A key asset of the Americans was patriotism.
Americans were fighting to create a new nation. Many soldiers stayed in the army for years – at great financial and personal sacrifice. Leaders such as Jefferson and Adams risked their lives and fortunes to champion independence.

16 The Granger Collection, New York

17 Skilled Leadership Despite great odds, George Washington never gave up. Although he sometimes faced harsh criticism in Congress, his courage and knowledge won him broad support in the army. By the end of the war, Washington was the new nation’s most admired hero.

18 Metropolitan Museum of Art

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