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3 Carvings will represent the tribal nation and will convey the tribes' history. ...
Carving totem poles is a tradition among many Indian tribes, especially those tribes that lived along the Pacific coast where forests grew. Many times the story of a totem pole will be passed down from generation to generation. Having the story documented will help keep this tradition recognized in our history.

4 Totem poles held messages by those that carved them
Totem poles held messages by those that carved them. Carvings were symbols that may tell a story of the carver, such as his part not just in his own family but his standing within a tribe. Carvings such as an eagle could mean pride in his tribe. Often traditions and tribal life were carved into the pole.

5 Vocabulary: Color, Symbolism, Form
Choose the animal and symbol you want represented, sketch a rough design in their sketchbooks and collaboratively discuss what you want represented in their totems and why (Dog = Nobility, deer = peace, cougar = leadership, etc.) Focus on color and symbolism and collaboratively work to build the Native American Totem you all want representing each table. Objective: I will be able to… collaboratively create a 3D mixed media art piece that represents Native American culture and incorporates the use of upcycled materials, focusing on symbolism, color use, unity and balance.

6 Essential Questions: How do I collaboratively create a Native American totem art piece using symbolism, color, and unity? What do you want your table to represent? What colors are you choosing and why?





11 We will paint the milk/water jugs and glue craft foam to create the desired shape and form. We will then think about where you want to display your totems (if interior paint is used, must be indoors). Materials: - Plastic milk/water jugs/plastic bottles - craft foam - low temp mini glue gun - scissors, a pole or stake (optional) - acrylic or patio paint (exterior) - paper to cover tables


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