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And now it’s time for Genesis 1:1-3, 31 B. Cartoon Reader's Theater

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1 And now it’s time for Genesis 1:1-3, 31 B. Cartoon Reader's Theater
Text & Context This cartoon Bible story gives guests a context for today’s verse. PRINT the Reader's Theater scripts provided on the following six Notes Pages. CHOOSE readers for each part. PRACTICE, practice, practice! PRESENT with power, poise and pizzazz! ASSIGNED LEADERS: (Click to continue)

2 Creation SLIDE 1 Click to Continue Reader's Theater Script – BM01
Genesis 1:1-3, 31 Voices: (Making the sound of the wind) Narrator: In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said… Books of Moses 01 Click to Continue

3 Reader’s Theater - Slide 2 (Click to advance)
Voices: Let there be light! Narrator: And there was light. And God saw that the light was good! And God called the light… Girls: Day! Narrator: And the darkness… Boys: Night! Voices: And it was good! Click to Continue

4 Reader’s Theater - Slide 3 (Click to advance)
Narrator: Day 2. Next God made the atmosphere and called it the… Voices: Sky! Narrator: And it, too, was good. Voices: It was good! Books of Moses 01 Click to Continue

5 Reader’s Theater - Slide 4 (Click to advance)
Narrator: Day 3. It was time to separate the waters from the dry land, so that is just what God did. Soon the first plants began to grow. Voices: And it was good! Narrator: Day 4. If you were standing on the surface of the earth, the next thing you would have seen was the thick, cloudy atmosphere starting to clear. Girls: The sun appeared! Boys: The moon appeared! Narrator: And with them, the seasons were set in place. Books of Moses 01 Click to Continue

6 Reader’s Theater - Slide 5 (Click to advance)
Narrator: Day 5. Next, an amazing thing happened. God created life in the seas! Narrator: After that, birds filled the air. Voices: And it was good! Narrator: Day 6. Then God created animals on the land. Books of Moses 01 Click to Continue

7 Reader’s Theater - Slide 6 (Click to advance)
Narrator: Finally, God formed human beings. God took a deep, deep… Girls Join In: Deep, deep… Boys Join In: Deep, deep breath… (Everyone take a deep breath, then blow out as Narrator speaks) Narrator: And God breathed into them something none of the animals had. Girls: A living… Boys: Eternal… Narrator: Spirit in the image of God! And God looked… Voices: And it was good! Narrator: Day 7. On the seventh day God rested from all the creative activity. And God called the seventh day holy. God looked and saw everything. And yes, it was very, very… Girls Join In: Very, very… All Voices: Very, very good! (pause) The end! Narrator: (pause) Actually, it’s just the beginning. (Applause) Permission to use this Reader's Theater is granted only to Faith Inkubators members with a valid membership. Books of Moses 01 Click to Continue

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