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The Powerpole® Connector System

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1 The Powerpole® Connector System
David Treharne, n8hku Ford amateur radio league, January 12, 2017

2 Agenda What is the Anderson PowerPole® How is it made
What makes it special, if anything? How to use them Examples

3 Why Look to a Standard for Power
Amateurs bring their own gear to an event ARES and RACES wanted to make sure that we could swap out equipment that failed during an event, including the power Different equipment needs different quantities of power: Other connectors change size with different amperage, or use multiple pins Standardizing allows equipment to be shared

4 The Anderson Powerpole® Connector
A type of genderless connector for DC power delivery. A genderless connector means that there is no “male” or “female” connection: each plug fits to another plug. Each terminal has its own plug. The plugs can be stacked together horizontally or vertically Easy to connect and disconnect Amateur versions use 15A to 45A terminals (wire size) A 15A can plug into a 30A or a 45A, making it easy to standardize connections

5 History Original US Patent is from 1966
Describes a connector system that has each terminal in a separate insulating housing, tongues and grooves for making them, arrangement for mounting the terminals side by side or top to bottom.

6 The Physical Connection
When connected, there is a large surface contact, providing low resistance and high current capacity (45A) The Physical Connection The 2 contacts slide past one another and the round ends meet, held by the spring force The contact is held by a spring, keeping it in the housing, and allowing it to flex

7 Characteristics of the Powerpole
Voltage drop at 45A: 0.02V! Dissipates 1 watt at 45A, (out of 540 watt load) The wire will drop more voltage and wattage than this connector Must make sure the wire size is correct and the terminal is properly attached. 45A 30A

8 How Radio Cables are Delivered
Loose wires, tinned Can fit a binding pole power supply Cannot fit a cigar lighter plug Does not work with a 12V battery direct connection Solution: Use a standard connector, then use it on all devices

9 Other items that can be used with a Powerpole
Voltmeters, ammeters, and wattmeters Popular sellers at Dayton Can see what is going on without splicing into a cable How much power does your rig use? What is the voltage drop or sag? Distribution panels, with or without fuses Allows extensions, additions, to 12V power (This distribution system is great!)

10 Using the Powerpole Use the Crimping tool
Handles all 3 sizes of connections (15A, 30A, 45A) Makes a really good mechanical connection The terminal fits well into the connector when done Soldered connections may not fit Crimping is the way the automotive industry makes connections Orient both terminals the same direction, as both the black and red terminals are the same direction. Press the terminal in until it clicks and locks Orient the terminal so the curved area clicks over the metal tab. I use the instructions with the crimper to help. With small wire, I use a flat blade screwdriver to help I have missed the connection and have the terminal back out, so it must lock in Once in, it does not come back out again

11 Using the Powerpole Slide the two housings together for a power cable
Need to get the correct orientation, or your connection will be backwards, possibly causing the radio to be fed backwards. I use an existing harness or connector to check, since they all connect to one another. Some have problems with the connection sliding apart Some housings are tighter than others I sometimes use Superglue to lock them in, when the friction fit is not good enough Strain relief: After making sure the terminals work, I like filling in the back end with epoxy or hot glue It provides strain relief in case the wire gets pulled

12 Using the Powerpole Keeping the connection made
Often, you want the connection removable, so use the standard friction fit It will unplug if the cord is pulled hard enough. It does tend to come completely off, no just partially unplugged Some others use tiny tie wraps to connect with the two little holes in the connectors Some now have these clips to use. I have not tried them, yet

13 Environmentally Protecting the Powerpole
These are not sealed connectors, they must be protected if exposed to water I seal the back ends to prevent wicking, then wrap the connections in tape or other sealant, when used underhood.

14 FARL Club Usage of Powerpole
All of our loanable club radios now have Powerpole connectors on them, along with the cigar lighter adaptors The FARL FT-991 Kit uses Powerpole for: Main radio Antenna Tuner Light for the SWR Meter We still have expansion room.

15 Other Uses The connections are rated to 600V
Some use them as connections for ladder line. The industry uses them for other voltages and for things like uninterruptable power supplies They do come in many colored housings, so they could be used for rotator connections in the shack, etc. Caution: The connections are really designed for high current. They can build up oxides and fretting corrosion if used with low voltage (<5V) and low current applications. They may become unreliable over time. Anti-oxide grease may help. Good for any low current application.

16 Conclusions The Powerpole has been a good standard for amateur radio 12V power connections So far, the standard has worked well, as different suppliers have kept everything compatible and the red and black in the same order I automatically add in Powerpole connections to all new equipment that I purchase, if it runs on 12V.

17 Bibliography US Electrical Connector, US Patent, issued July 5, 1966 power?N= &SortBy=Default&SortOrder=Ascending

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