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1 - Intro to the Human Body

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1 1 - Intro to the Human Body
Chapter 1 1 - Intro to the Human Body

2 Intro to the Human Body Anatomy is the science of body structures and the relationships among them.

3 Intro to the Human Body Physiology is the science of body functions – how the body parts work.

4 Intro to the Human Body The human body consists of six levels of structural organization: Chemical Cellular Tissue

5 Intro to the Human Body Levels of structural organization cont’: Organ
System Organismal

6 Intro to the Human Body Chemical
Atoms, small units of matter that participate in chemical reactions, and molecules, two or more atoms joined together.

7 Intro to the Human Body Cells
The basic structural and functional units of an organism.

8 Intro to the Human Body Tissues
Groups of similarly specialized cells and the substances surrounding them that perform certain special functions.

9 Intro to the Human Body Organs
Structures that are composed of two or more different tissues that have specific functions.

10 Intro to the Human Body Systems
Related organs that have a common function.

11 Intro to the Human Body The human organism
A collection of structurally and functionally integrated body systems.

12 Intro to the Human Body

13 Levels of Organization
The eleven systems of the human body are: Nervous Muscular Skeletal Integumentary

14 Levels of Organization
The systems of the human body cont’: Cardiovascular Lymphatic Respiratory Digestive

15 Levels of Organization
The systems of the human body cont’: Urinary Endocrine Reproductive

16 Organ Systems Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

17 Intro to the Human Body The Nervous system

18 Intro to the Human Body Components = brain, spinal cord, nerves, special sense organs Functions = generates nerve impulses to regulate body activities; detects, interprets and responds to bodily changes

19 Intro to the Human Body The Muscular system

20 Intro to the Human Body Components = muscles
Functions = produces body movements, stabilizes body positions, stores & moves bodily substances, generates heat

21 Intro to the Human Body The Skeletal system

22 Intro to the Human Body Components = bones, joints, cartilage, periosteum Functions = support and protects body, provides a surface area for muscle attachment, aids body movements, houses cells that produce blood cells, stores minerals & lipids

23 Intro to the Human Body The Integumentary system

24 Intro to the Human Body Components = skin, hair, sweat glands, oil glands, nails Functions = protection, body temperature regulation, waste elimination, sensation detection

25 Homework Complete handout: Study for Mini-quiz
“Intro to the Human Body” - Part 1 Study for Mini-quiz

26 Intro to the Human Body The Cardiovascular system

27 Intro to the Human Body Components = blood, heart, blood vessels
Functions = pumps & carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and carbon dioxide and wastes away from cells, defends against disease

28 Intro to the Human Body The Lymphatic system

29 Intro to the Human Body Components = lymphatic fluid & vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils Functions = returns proteins & fluids to blood, includes structures where lymphocytes mature

30 Intro to the Human Body The Respiratory system

31 Intro to the Human Body Components = lungs and air passageways leading into and out of them Functions = transfers oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of blood

32 Intro to the Human Body The Digestive system

33 Intro to the Human Body Components = mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small & large intestine, anus, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas Functions = achieves physical and chemical breakdown of food, nutrient absorption, solid waste removal

34 Intro to the Human Body The Urinary system

35 Intro to the Human Body Components = kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra Functions = produces, stores and eliminates urine

36 Intro to the Human Body The Endocrine system

37 Intro to the Human Body Components = hormone producing glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, etc…) Functions = regulates body activities by releasing hormones

38 Intro to the Human Body The Reproductive system

39 Intro to the Human Body Components = testes, epididymis, vas deferens and penis (in males) & ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina (in females) Functions = produces, transport and stores gametes; release hormones that regulate reproduction and other body processes

40 Homework Complete handout: Study for Mini-quiz
“Intro to the Human Body” - Part 2 Study for Mini-quiz

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