Christmas Day December 25th, 2007

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1 Christmas Day December 25th, 2007 The Christmas Fund offers hope to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees because they can receive emergency assistance in time of need

2 The gospel of Matthew tells us –
Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means, “God is with us.” Reader 1: The gospel of Matthew tells us- Look the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means, “God is with us.”

3 We light again the Candle of Hope and remember the hopeful ones around us who are like the shepherds of long ago. Lighter: We light again the Candle of Hope and remember the hopeful ones around us.

4 The Candle of Hope Lighter: (Light the first candle)
The Christmas Fund offers hope to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees because they can receive emergency assistance in time of need. Lighter: (Light the first candle)

5 We light again the Candle of Peace and remember the peacemakers, peacekeepers, and prophets of peace in all generations. Lighter: We light again the Candle of Peace and remember peacemakers and peacekeepers.

6 The Candle of peace Lighter: (Light the second candle)
The Christmas Fund’s health supplementation brings peace of mind and spirit to many retired pastors, musicians, sextons and administrators. Lighter: (Light the second candle)

7 We light again the Candle of Joy and celebrate that our church is a manager tonight – where unexpected joy shines forth. Lighter: We light again the candle of Joy and celebrate that our church is a place of festivity, tenderness and justice.

8 The Candle of Joy The Christmas Fund sends Christmas gift checks that bring joy to retired clergy and lay workers – this year more than ___ of whom are one hundred years old or older Lighter: (Light the third candle (often called the Rose Candle))

9 We light again the Candle of Love and people are called to be fruitful and compassionate so that love continues to be born. Lighter: We light again the Candle of Love and people are called to be fruitful and compassionate so that love continues to be born.

10 The Candle of Love Lighter: (Light the fourth candle)
Through the Christmas Fund, we express love to those who have given their presence, their care and their creativity to churches in the United Church of Christ by pension supplements. Lighter: (Light the fourth candle)

11 The gospel of Matthew tells us that Mary conceived a son from the Holy Spirit, that she bore him into a time of sorrow and a land of fear, and that Mary and Joseph called him Jesus, for he would save his people from their sins. Tonight we light the Christ Candle for we too call him Jesus who saves us from our sins. Reader 2: The gospel of Matthew tells us that Mary conceived a son from the Holy Spirit, that she bore him into a time of sorrow and a land of fear, and that Mary and Joseph called him Jesus, for he would save his people from their sins. Tonight we light the Christ Candle for we too call him Jesus who saves us from our sins.

12 The Christ Candle Lighter: (light the Christ Candle)
The Christmas Fund offers hope to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees because they can receive emergency assistance in time of need Lighter: (light the Christ Candle)

13 (Let us pray) Jesus Christ, God-with-us always but most of all tonight (today), we give you thanks for your birth long ago and always. Teach us to announce hope, to work for peace, to sing with joy, and to offer love because we are lit from inside by the light who shines in the darkness and because all our words spring forth from the Word of God. Amen Reader 1: Let us pray . . . Jesus Christ, God-with-us always but most of all tonight (today), we give you thanks for your birth long ago and always. Teach us to announce hope, to work for peace, to sing with joy, and to offer love because we are lit from inside by the light who shines in the darkness and because all our words spring forth from the Word of God. Amen

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