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The 2010 Christmas Fund Advent Candle Liturgy

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1 The 2010 Christmas Fund Advent Candle Liturgy
Reading will begin on Slide 3

2 The Second Sunday in Advent
December 5th, 2010 The annual Christmas Fund – Veterans of the Cross and Emergency Fund -- health supplements bring peace of mind and spirit to many retired pastors, musicians, sextons and administrators. Reading will begin on Slide 3

3 The candle is shorter this week because we have been sharing our hope.
Last Sunday we lit a candle and passed hope – the hope of Christ be with you And also with you. We were able to do that because the hope had first been passed to us by others. The candle is shorter this week because we have been sharing our hope. Lighter: Last Sunday we lit a candle and passed hope – the hope of Christ be with you And also with you. We were able to do that because the hope had first been passed to us by others. The candle is shorter this week because we have been sharing our hope.

4 The Candle of Hope Lighter: (Lights the First Candle)
The Christmas fund – Veterans of the Cross and Emergency Fund, offers hope through pension supplements to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees who have brought good tidings to churches throughout the United Church of Christ.

5 The gospel of Matthew says:
But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:20) Reader 1: The gospel of Matthew says: But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:20)

6 It is far more traditional in our worship to “pass the peace
It is far more traditional in our worship to “pass the peace.” We offer it to one another – and we wish inner peace, peace in home and job, peace in family and community, and yes, we wish for global peace as well. The story of the birth of Jesus reminds us that the source of peace is listening to angels They teach Joseph, later the shepherds and many, many years later, us – to release our fears and to act in a way that makes for peace This is the Candle of Peace. Reader 2: It is far more traditional in our worship to “pass the peace.” We offer it to one another – and we wish inner peace, peace in home and job, peace in family and community, and yes, we wish for global peace as well. The story of the birth of Jesus reminds us that the source of peace is listening to angels They teach Joseph, later the shepherds and many, many years later, us – to release our fears and to act in a way that makes for peace. This is the Candle of Peace.

7 The Candle of Peace Lighter: (Lights the second candle)
The Christmas Fund’s - Veterans of the Cross and Emergency Fund -- health supplements bring peace of mind and spirit to many retired pastors, musicians, sextons and administrators.

8 Listen to the angels! Your suspicions are unfounded – Peace be with you; your fears are unnecessary – peace be with you; families can reconcile at Christmas – peace be with you; nations can set down their self –interest and greed, their weapons and deep war-fullness – peace be with you. (Silence. In some churches people may softly name personal conflicts, community or global strife, names of those in military service.) Reader 1: Listen to the angels! Your suspicions are unfounded – Peace be with you; your fears are unnecessary – peace be with you; families can reconcile at Christmas – peace be with you; nations can set down their self –interest and greed, their weapons and deep war-fullness – peace be with you. (Silence. In some churches people may softly name personal conflicts, community or global strife, names of those in military service.)

9 (Let us pray) Emmanuel, God with us and Prince of Peace, help us remember to hope and listen for peace As we are willing to receive these gifts, may we pass them to all who are hopeless, all whose lives are in pieces. Amen. Reader 2: (Let us pray) Emmanuel, God with us and Prince of Peace, help us remember to hope and listen for peace As we are willing to receive these gifts, may we pass them to all who are hopeless, all whose lives are in pieces. Amen.

10 Second Sunday in Advent Unison Prayer Option:
The gospel of Matthew says: But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:20) Emmanuel, God-promised and always with us, this is the week of World AIDS Day, Pearl Harbor Remembrance and St. Nicholas’ birthday. Tragedy and celebration are all around us and we find ourselves praying and shopping When we are too busy – give us peace. When we are hurt by those closest to us – give us peace. When we read or hear the news – give us peace. Decorating an evergreen tree, ringing a Salvation Army bell, crowding into an airport terminal, answering our , texts and tweets, let there be peace for ourselves, for this church and for your precious world Amen Reader 1: (Second Sunday in Advent Unison Prayer Option) The gospel of Matthew says: But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:20) Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, we give thanks that in our church the preparations for Christmas are peaceful when this season is so defined by pressure and purchase. We thank you for our church name here and for those who shape its ministries – pastor, sexton, musician, educator, administrator. Because of their preparations we can offer a message of reconciliation and tranquility to family, school, community and your precious world Amen.

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