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1 Time Management

2 The process of Time Management is required to ensure that all project objectives are completed on time. Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control

3 Activity definition is the process of
identifying and documenting the specific actions to be performed to produce project deliverables. The scope baseline (developed earlier) is used in this process to represent the approved scope for the overall project. This scope is used to decompose work packages into activities for more detailed and accurate estimations of cost and time. An activity in a project is better defined as a task or work effort needed to be accomplished to complete an overall deliverable. Be sure to manage the activity definition well. Too small of an activity could overly complicate a simple process whereas too large of an activity could lead to confusion and poor definition leading to an uncomplete deliverable. A rolling wave plan can be used here to plan activities as details about the deliverable come together instead of trying to plan everything up front.

4 Milestone Description
There are several different outputs that can be created when activities are properly defined. As expected, the main output of this process is a well defined list of activities. Activity List. This will be an overall list of activities for each project deliverable in the entire the entire project. Each activity will have a unique identifier and a thoroughly description what needs to be accomplished. Activity Attributes. With each activity, information such as requirements, assumption, and constraints. Properly defined activity attributes will help make an accurate schedule. Milestone List. This is a list of logical delivery point for each of the activities and in turn each of the deliverables. Typically there will be a time table associated with the milestone list. Milestone List Project Title: Date Prepared: Milestone Milestone Description Type Milestone Name Detailed description of milestone and what is needed to accomplish it. Internal or External. Mandatory or Optional.

5 The process of Time Management is required to ensure that all project objectives are completed on time. Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control

6 Activity sequencing is the process that identifies and documents the dependencies among schedule activities. During this process, the logical relationships between activities are developed. At this point, a list of all the activities should be developed and made into work packages. Now it must be determined which activities have to be completed in order to start other activities. The determination of who has to do each activity and how long the activity should last does not have to be made yet (that will be done in activity resource estimating and activity duration estimating, respectively). A list of milestones should be created to keep in mind priorities and tasks to be accomplished. As should be expected, the first activity planned should be the activity with nothing preceding it. A lead allow the acceleration of a successor activity whereas a lag directly delays a successor activity. The several different methods to sequence activity are discussed on the following slides.

7 There are several different methods that can be used to sequence activities.
Precedence Diagramming Method. (Activity On Node technique) This method documents the activity sequence by representing each activity as a node. Each node is then connected to its successors by an arrow. Nodes may have multiple precedents but no node can indirectly be a precedent for a node that precedes it. The predecessor and successor nodes are determine by several subtypes: Finish-to-Start: The predecessor has to be finished before the successor can start. Finish-to-Finish: The predecessor has to be finished before the successor can be finished. Start-to-Start: The predecessor has to start before the successor can start. Start-to-Finish: The predecessor has to start before the successor can finish.

8 There are several different methods that can be used to sequence activities.
Arrow Diagramming Method. (Activity On Arrow) This method documents the activity sequence by representing each activity as an arrow and the nodes are deliverables that have been completed, so dependencies do not contain any content. The only relationship that exists here is Finish-to-Start.

9 There are several different methods that can be used to sequence activities.
Dependency Determination Method. This method attempts to clarify the relationships between activities. There are several types of dependencies that can be defined: Mandatory dependencies are inherent in the nature of the work being done. Discretionary dependencies are determined based on best practices. External dependencies are deliverables that must be completed or met but that are not generated by the project itself. Typically external dependencies are added to the risk register. Note: All dependencies should be displayed in a graphical manner such as in a precedence diagram (below) or in an arrow diagram.

10 Once the activities have been sequenced, documentation of all the information gathered and determined must be completed. Program Schedule Network Diagrams are the resulting diagrams from any of the methods chosen (arrow diagraming, node diagrams, etc.). These should be properly displayed and documented as evidence of the activity sequencing. Updates should be made to the Activity List based on the information collected and organized during the sequencing of activities. Updates should also be made to the Activity Attributes to document the proper relationships between the successor and predecessor activities that result from the activity sequence. Leads and Lags should also be identified here. Any new Requested Changes should be documented since during sequencing, new work packages can be developed or more activities identified or updated.

11 The process of Time Management is required to ensure that all project objectives are completed on time. Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control

12 Using the information from the activity list, estimates on activity resources are made based on the required work effort. There are several methods that can be used to estimate activity resources: Expert Judgement. A common method in many processes, expert judgement is one of the best way to use experiences and skills of the team to determine the materials and man power needed to complete an activity. Bottom Publishing Estimating Data. This method involves using published data to gather information about production rates and other such factors that could influence the resources needed. Project Management Software. Different software exist that can help plan resource pools, develop activity resource estimates, organize breakdown structures, and develop project calendars. Resource Calendars, which are the scheduling of availability of both human and nonhuman resources during working hours, can also be developed. Bottom Up Estimating. This method breaks down an activity into smaller parts that have defined resources that are easier to estimate and can be added from the bottom (small parts) up (overall activity).

13 Once the activity resources are estimated, the estimates must be documented.
Activity Resource Requirements need to be documented for all the activities that are in the project plan. The documented activities and subsequent activity resources can then be put together into a work package. Resource Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical structure of the identified resources by the category and type. Requested Changes should be documented to compare scope and other part of the project management plan with resources that are realistic. Updates to Activity Attributes should be made as more accurate estimates of activity resources become integrated into the project management plan.

14 The process of Time Management is required to ensure that all project objectives are completed on time. Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control

15 The process of activity duration estimation is developing the number of work periods that will be required for each schedule activity. This process uses information gathered from the project scope statement, the activity list, the activity attributes, the activity resource requirements, the resource calendars, and the project management plan. The duration can be defined in units that are project specific, so if for example, the project is two months long, the PMP can use weeks or days as duration units. This process is heavily linked with resource estimating since the amount of resources required or available can determine the duration of the activity or vice versa. Possible duration units: Hours Days Weeks Months Percentage

16 There are several methods that can be used to estimate activity duration.
As always, Expert Judgement can be used, but there are four other main methods as well. Analogous Estimating This method of estimating uses historical information from similar projects that have already been executed. The accuracy of this method depends on how similar the compared project is. Parametric Estimating This method of estimating uses formulas to compute the duration. This method also uses historical data and other parameters to calculate an estimate. The accuracy of this method is better than that of the analogous method. Three-Point Estimating This method of estimating uses the value of duration that is most likely to be reached (Tm), an optimistic value(To), and a pessimistic value (Tp) to calculate the probability of each and the variances. This method reduces the chance of risk, bias, or uncertainty. PERT Time Estimate Formula: Te = (To +4Tm + Tp)/6 A Reserve Analysis can also be calculated into the estimated results to provide a buffer.

17 Once the duration has been calculated, the values must be documented.
Activity duration estimates can include a range of time but should not include lags. Updates to project documents should be made based on the estimates, assumptions, and contingencies developed in this process. A standard deviation can be used for the estimation of duration by discretion of the PMP.

18 The process of Time Management is required to ensure that all project objectives are completed on time. Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control

19 Schedule Development requires analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource requirements, and constraints to develop a project schedule. To develop a proper schedule all the components of the project have to be brought together and compiled. Required information includes the order of the activities, the duration of each activity, and the resources required for each activity. By compiling all this information, a PMP can determine is the schedule, cost, and quality constraints will be fulfilled. Example schedule:

20 There are several tools that can be implemented to develop an accurate project schedule.
Schedule Network Analysis is the main process of calculating the early and late start and finish dates. This analysis uses the information from the project schedule network diagram (developed during the activity sequencing process) and inserts the estimated activity durations. The result of the combination is then analyzed to determine the project end, any abbreviations, or any prolongations of the project. This analysis is normally formatted into Gantt or PERT charts. Gantt Chart Only display the cost, time, and scope PERT Chart Network chart that shows all the activities and time required 1 2 3 4 5 T = 3 days T = 1 days T = 2 days T = 4 days

21 There are several tools that can be implemented to develop an accurate project schedule.
Schedule Compression takes the critical path and shortens it without changes the scope. Crashing means changes are made to the resources as a way to shorten the duration. Fast tracking in a term referring to the totally or partially paralyzing activities that should normally be executed sequentially in order to shorten the duration. Critical Path Method is used to determine the path of the longest duration. Scheduled activities on a critical path of referred to as critical activities. Start End Note: Red arrows mark the critical path in this example. Other methods include using modeling or other project management software, what if analyses to address the possibilities of meeting the schedule, adjusting leads and lags, and resource leveling to determine if some activities need to be accelerated or decelerated based on the resources needed.

22 The Project Schedule should always be reviewed for accuracy and updated as the project goes thorough its lifecycle. Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available for completion. Keeping this in mind it is important to always analyze the float or slack, or rather the amount of time an activity can be delayed without impacting the schedule. Float can be used to the advantage of the PMP to help the schedule remain on track. As always a buffer, or contingency, should be built into the schedule so that unexpected risks or delays that might occur during the project do not complete ruin the schedule. All project calendars should show the working days identified for the project and those that remain. These calendars can also be used to record the dates on which data is collected or analyzed. This data information can help remind the PMP that a review should be done or that the project schedule should be looked over depending on how long it has been since the last data collection.

23 The process of Time Management is required to ensure that all project objectives are completed on time. Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control

24 The final process of Time Management is controlling the schedule.
Schedule Control is the process of controlling the changes made to the project schedule. Different aspects of the project must be analyzed to successfully control the schedule: current statue, factors that create change, if the project schedule has changed, actual changes. Time limits should be controlled and organized as well as the changes to the project schedule that are introduced. Any change requests should be assessed in the Perform Integrated Control Process. In general results should be measured, adjustments should be made, and metrics should be adjusted throughout the project lifecycle.

25 Schedule Control can be accomplished through the usage of a few different tools.
Progress Reporting. This allows team members to express concerns about the actual start and finishing dates of different activities, which in turn can effect the whole project. One method for progress measurement is earned value technique, or rather taking the planned costs for an activity and defining a scale which generates how much of the activity must be fulfilled to have earned a certain amount of the cost. Performance Reporting. This is a technique that embellishes the difference between the plan and the reality based on the schedule baseline and progress reporting. During this technique, the information gather may indicate that corrective actions are necessary and should be implemented. A bit more basic, a Schedule Comparison Bar Chart can be developed to visually display the actual state of the project versus the planned state.

26 Updates should be made as changes occur due to the information gathered when controlling scheduling.
Updates should be made to the following: Schedule Baseline List of Requested Changes Corrective Actions Performance Measurements Project Management Plan Activity Attributes Activity List

27 Knowledge Check Start

28 1. Activity Definition is typically performed by which of the following:
A. Project Manager who created the WBS B. Project Team Members responsible for the work package C. Project Officer D. Project Stakeholder

29 2. Which of the following is an activity attribute:
A. Person responsible for the activity B. Location where activity is performed C. Time to perform the activity D. Leads and Lags

30 3. Which of the following does NOT generate changes to the Project documents:
A. Define Activities B. Sequence Activities C. Estimate Activity Resources D. Estimate Activity Durations

31 4. Which of the following is NOT an input to Sequence Activity process:
A. Project Scope Statement B. Activity Attributes C. Activity List D. Change Requests

32 5. AOA refer to: A. Precedence Diagramming Method
B. Arrow Diagramming Method C. Fragment Network D. Mandatory Dependencies

33 6. Activity Resource Requirements is an input to which of the following processes:
A. Estimate Activity Duration B. Control Schedule C. Estimate Activity Resources D. Sequence Activities

34 7. Parametric Estimating is done as part of which process:
Sequence Activities B. Develop Schedule C. Estimate Activity Resources D. Estimate Activity Durations

35 8.  Identification of Mandatory Dependencies is BEST done during which process:
A. Sequence Activities B. Develop Schedule C. Define Activities D. Estimate Activity Definition

36 9. Resource Leveling technique is used for:
A. Develop Schedule B. Sequence Activities C. Estimate Activity Resources D. Estimate Activity Durations

37 10. Resource reallocation from non-critical to critical activities is an example of which Project Scheduling technique: A. Critical Path Method B. Schedule Compression C. What-if Analysis D. Resource Leveling

38 The Results

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