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Word study Define these words in English.

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1 Word study Define these words in English.
Now make sentences with these words in the box. zxxk e.g. A frog came out of a nearby cottage and changed itself into a handsome young man.

2 Brave/ cottage/ frog/ handsome/ hunt
pool/ kingdom/ land/ nearby /palace Wicked/ put a spell on someone

3 army /go to war/ king/ rule(v) /take revenge
To control a country 2. A man who rules a country and belong to the ruling family 3. A large organized group of soldiers That fight for a country rule king army

4 Army/ go to war /king/ rule(v) / take revenge
4. To do something in order to hurt or punish someone because they have hurt you 5. When two large groups of people fight each other take revenge go to war

5 Work in pairs. Put the sentences in the correct order.
Before he leaves for the war, Argon asks his handsome son, Ferdinand, to revenge if he gets killed. _____

6 B. The king takes the woman to his palace and marries her, not knowing that she is a wicked witch. ____ C. Argon, the king’s brother, who rules a nearby kingdom, goes to war with the witch. ____

7 D. A beautiful woman comes out and the king falls in love with her.学科网
E. A king goes out hunting and comes to a cottage. F. The witch wins the war and kills Argon and all his army.____ 1

8 G. A frog jumps out of a pool and
tells Ferdinand that he can help him kill the witch. ____ H. The witch puts a spell on the king and becomes the ruler of the land. ______ Answer: E-D-B-H-C-A-F-G

9 Listen and check the order of the story.
Answer: E-D-B-H-C-A-F-G

10 Answer the questions about the story.
What does the girl say about His Dark Material? 2. What does the girl say it is easy to do? 3. When does the witch put a spell on the king?

11 4. What does everyone in the land have to do?
5. When does Argon ask his son to revenge him? 6. Why does Ferdinand feel terrible?

12 7. What does Ferdinand decide to do?
8. What exactly does the frog say to Ferdinand?

13 Typescript Girl: It takes place in several different worlds and it’s really exciting! Boy: You are joking! Girl: I think it’s very easy to invent fantasy stories.

14 take place: vi. 发生 hold: vt. 发生,举办 e.g. Beijing is going to hold the Olympics in 2008. = The 2008 Olympics is going to be held in Beijing.

15 Girl: A king goes hunting and comes to a cottage
Girl: A king goes hunting and comes to a cottage. A beautiful woman comes out , and on seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. Boy: Me?

16 go hunting: 去打猎 类似的短语:go boating, go hiking, go camping on seeing her 一看到她… =as soon as the king saw her e.g. On hearing the news, he couldn't help jumping.

17 fall in love with sb. 爱上某人
be in love with 与某人相爱,指状态 e.g. He has been in love with her for two years.

18 Girl: Well done! See what I mean, it’s
easy. OK, I’ll go on. Boy: …if I die, you must take revenge. see what I mean: do you understand? take revenge: 报仇

19 e.g. Hamlet decided to take revenge at
last. revenge sb. =avenge sb. 替某人报仇 e.g. Hamlet revenged his father. =Hamlet avenged his father.

20 Everyday English Go on is used ____ To encourage someone to do something To make someone do something

21 2. Give me a moment is used ____
A To ask for advice B To ask for a little more time

22 3. See what I mean? means _____
What do you think Do you understand 4. Fortunately means ____ Luckily Strangely

23 5. It’s your turn is used ___
A When it is time for you to do something B When you need to turn around quickly

24 6. I’m stuck is used ___ When you have a good idea When you can’t continue with something because it is too difficult.

25 7. Look at the time! Is used____
When you referring to a period of history When it is later than you thought

26 Speaking Work in groups of four. Takes turns to continue the story in the listening passage. Discuss possible ideas for the end of the story.

27 3. Read the end of the story.
One afternoon, while sitting by a pool, Ferdinand sees a frog. The frog jumps out of the water and says, “Oh King, I will tell you how to kill the wicked witch.”

28 4. Continue the story. Each student should say about 2—5 sentences.组卷网

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