Below are the three most common forms of creating hand built pots: pinchpot, coiling and slab techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Below are the three most common forms of creating hand built pots: pinchpot, coiling and slab techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Handbuilding" is working with clay by hand using only simple tools, not the pottery wheel.

2 Below are the three most common forms of creating hand built pots: pinchpot, coiling and slab techniques.

3 Begin a pinch pot by forming a lump of clay into a smooth sphere that fits the size of the hand. This method is similar to the way the Native Americans shaped clay into useful pots

4 While holding the sphere of clay, press the thumb into the center of the ball, half-way to the bottom.

5 While revolving the ball in one hand, press the walls out evenly with the thumb into the inside and the fingers on the outside. Smooth the surface with a damp sponge.

6 coil pot construction technique
2. Coil Method coil pot construction technique Coils of clay can be used to build bowls, vases and other forms in various shapes and sizes.

7 Keeping the fingers flat, form the clay into sausage shapes, then roll into ropes 1/4 to 1/2 inches thick.


9 Make a shallow dish with the pinch pot method and turn up-side down to serve as a foot of base.

10 Place a coil along the edge of the foot
Place a coil along the edge of the foot. Dampen the fingers and join the next coil to it, with a little pressure. Keep adding coils .

11 Coils may be pressed with the fingers or a tool on both the inside and outside to create interesting texture.






17 Place two strips of wood on canvas a little further apart than the width of the finished slabs. Working on a textured fabric will leave imprints on the clay slab.

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