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Objections to Christianity: Are there reasons to think this is NOT true

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2 Objections to Christianity: Are there reasons to think this is NOT true

3 Questions What are some of those “doubts” still in your heart (remember the questions we asked early on)? What do you think are some of the main objections (that we have not addressed ) that people might have with Christianity?

4 Questions Can I really know that God exists
Questions Can I really know that God exists? What evidence is there that there is a God?

5 Can anyone really know which religion is true?
Isn’t it prideful to say my religion is true while someone who sincere believes in another religion thinks theirs is true? Why can’t we both be right?

6 Was the Bible just written by men?
Did people change it over time? Aren’t there contradictions in the Bible?

7 How do I know Jesus really existed?
What if Jesus didn’t really raise from the dead? How can I be sure that His followers didn’t change His message?

8 How could a good God allow suffering and evil?
How can God stand by when a child gets cancer or Hitler wipes out millions of people? How can God send some people to Heaven and others to Hell?

9 Isn’t it irrational to believe in miracles?
Am I really supposed to believe things like the sea parting, a man being swallowed by a fish, and a man walking on water? How do I know that God is interacting with me? Is the Holy Spirit just a feeling that I have?

10 Submitted Questions “We say the disciples wouldn’t have died for something they didn’t believe in – but what about the Muslims? They kill themselves for something they ‘believe’ in that isn’t true – so how can the disciples deaths be a proof for Jesus being real?” Those in the emergent church believe: the Bible is not authoritative, was specific to that culture, and we have evolved past that (gay issues, gender). How should we respond to this? “Why doesn’t God speak in an audible voice?”

11 Submitted Questions “Is the miracle that God has ordained an action and time even before we knew there was a need for a miracle, or that we saw the miracle when God allowed it to happen for His glory?” The Christian faith is just for people who have problems (coping mechanism; crutch for the weak) Didn’t the Christian faith borrow from religions/cultures before “Bible times?” – get basic principles and laws from cultures before Moses

12 Submitted Questions How can a good God allow evil and suffering?
How can God send some people to Heaven and other people to Hell? What happens to babies, or people who cannot understand the gospel? What happens when “absolute” moral values conflict? How can church leaders read the same Bible and come up with radically different, if not diametrically opposed positions on basic issues regarding key issues like marriage, divorce, abortion, etc.?

13 What questions do you still have?


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