Context: Course Overview – Week 2

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1 Context: Course Overview – Week 2
Services Acquisition Process Wrap Up 5. Acquisition Strategy 6. Execute Strategy 7. Performance Management Assessment Admin Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 ICTA Presentations (4) ICTA Presentations (4) ICTA Presentations (4) ICTA Presentations(4) Course Summary and Evaluation Recap of Week 1 Facilitator Feedback on Source Selection Decision Exercise Week 2 Quiz Class Discussion: Contract Admin & Performance Mgmt Graduation Class Discussion: Source Selection Planning (cont’d) Group Exercise: Proposal Evaluation & Selection Decision Class Discussion: Offeror Debriefings Group Activity: Option Year Group Exercise: Source Selection Planning (Part 2) Group Activity: Offeror Debriefings Group Activity: Performance Problem Negotiation (continued from previous slide) Walk the students through each day of both weeks illustrating where the team assessments are, which ones are graded, the fact that homework readings and assignments will assist in the following day’s activities, and that all days (as the charts illustrate) are complete, full days so please expect to be in class from 0800 – 1700 for the first nine days. CON 280 is designed to conclude by noon on Day 10. Facilitator Feedback on Source Selection Planning Exercise Class Discussion: Post-Award Implementation Class Discussion: Contract Modifications Group Exercise: Contract Modifications Class Discussion: Source Selection Execution Group Activity: Contract Mgmt Plan & Delegation Team Assessment Class Discussion: Contract Close-Out Individual Assessment Case Study CON 280, Day 1 v2.0 CON 280, Day

2 Context: Course Overview – Week 1
Introduction Services Acquisition Process Course & Case Overview Services Acquisition Overview 1. Form the Team 2. Review Current Strategy 3. Market Research 4. Requirements Definition 5. Acquisition Strategy Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Class Administration & Introductions ICTA Presentations (4) ICTA Presentations (4) ICTA Presentations (4) Facilitator Feedback on Day 4 Group Exercise Class Discussion: Introduction to Services Acquisition Class Discussion: Forming the Acquisition Team and Governance, Leadership, and Communications Class Discussion: Requirements Definition Tools and Templates Recap of Day 3: Context and Q&A Class Discussion: Week 1 Review Class Discussion: Services Acquisition Process Overview Facilitator Demo: ARRT Group Exercise: Acquisition Strategy Development (Part 1) Week 1 Quiz Class Discussion: Current Strategy Review Class Discussion: Services Acquisition Policies and Regulations Class Discussion: Acquisition Strategy Development Group Exercise: Pricing (Part 2) ICTA Presentations (4) Group Activity: Current Strategy Review Facilitator Presentation: Introduction to Case Study The Course Overview Charts for Week 1 and 2 will naturally generate a lot of interest among the students. It is recommended that the Facilitator refer back to the Guidebook and illustrate how the Services Acquisition Process in the guidebook is provided at the top of these charts and that the CON 280 Case Study will use each of the 7 steps to go through the 3 phases of Services Acquisition (Planning, Development, and Execution). Walk the students through each day of both weeks (continued on next slide) illustrating where the team assessments are, which ones are graded, the fact that homework readings and assignments will assist in the following day’s activities, and that all days (as the charts illustrate) are complete, full days so please expect to be in class from 0800 – 1700 for all ten days. Students should be advised to plan for a full day on Day 5. Class Discussion: Engaging Industry Class Discussion: Source Selection Planning Class Discussion: Market Research Group Exercise: Acquisition Strategy Development (Part 3) Group Exercise: Source Selection Planning (Part 1) Team Assessment Individual Assessment Case Study CON 280, Day CON 280, Day 1 v2.0

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