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Presentation on theme: "Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 Warm-Up WEEK 5 Read the following quote and write 2-3 sentences about what you think it means or how you can apply it in your own life

3 Welcome to Comprehensive Health
Assignments Due: Mon Feb 6, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Social Emotional Environment Homework DUE Friday Warm-up Finish McFarland Notes on personality VS personality type Essential Question: What is my personality type? Objective: I will identify my personality type and how I can use it to be successful

4 Tuesday

5 Warm-Up WEEK 5 Read the following quote and write 2-3 sentences about what you think it means or how you can apply it in your own life

6 Welcome to Comprehensive Health
Assignments Due: Tue Feb 7, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Social Emotional Environment Homework DUE Friday Warm-up Notes on personality and personality type Take notes on addiction Lesson 9 Vocab Essential Question: How can addictive behavior affect your mental-emotional health? Objective: I will be able to list common causes of addictions. I will recognize the signs of addiction.

7 Unit 2 Notes Get out blank paper Set up for Cornell Notes
Draw a vertical line 1/3 in from the left of your paper

8 Heading – in the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER Name
Class/Hour (Health 3rd hour) Date 1/30/17 Essential Question (title of notes) How can I maintain and improve my mental and emotional health? EQ: Name Class/Hour Date

9 Lesson 8 – Developing Good Character
Value – A standard or belief Self Control – the degree to which a person regulates his or her own behavior Good Character – using self control to ACT on responsible values Delayed gratification – voluntarily postponing an immediate reward in order to complete a task before enjoying a reward Self Esteem – A person’s belief about his or her worth

10 Lesson 8 – Developing Good Character
Social-Emotional Environment – the quality of contacts a person has with the people with whom he or she interacts Social-Emotional Booster – An interpersonal contact that helps a person feel encouragement and support, choose responsible behavior, and recognize options Example: _______________________ Social-Emotional Pollutant – An interpersonal contact that limits options or may cause a person to feel discouraged or alone or choose a wrong behavior

11 Pass out Social Emotional Environment Homework – DUE FRIDAY

12 Personality VS Personality Type
Personality – an individuals unique patterns of characteristics Personality Type – a person’s usual way of focusing energy, gathering information, making decisions, and getting work done

13 Influences on Personality
Heredity Intellectual abilities Temperament Talents Environment Everything around you Where you live Opportunities available to you

14 Influences on Personality
3. Attitudes Your feelings or emotions you have toward something 4. Behaviors What you do Your actions

15 Why should you know your personality type?
Helps you understand yourself Know how you approach and respond to people and things Helps you understand the people with whom you interact Helps you improve your chance of working effectively and successfully with others

16 True Colors Personality Test
Stand up, out of your desk For each of the 5 categories, stand by the color/corner that you think best describes you

17 Words that describe me…
Orange Witty, charming, spontaneous, impulsive, generous, impactful, optimistic, eager, courageous, physical, immediate, fraternal Green Analytical, global, conceptual, cool, calm, collected, inventive, logical, perfectionistic, abstract, hypothetical, investigative Gold Loyal, dependable, prepared, thorough, sensible, punctual, faithful, stable, organized, caring, concerned, concrete Blue Enthusiastic, sympathetic, personal, warm, communicative, compassionate, idealistic, spiritual, sincere, peaceful, flexible, imaginative.

18 General Characteristics…
Orange I act on a moment’s notice. I consider life as a game, here and now. I need fun, variety, stimulation, and excitement. I value skill, resourcefulness, and freedom. I am a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, and a competitor. Green I seek knowledge and understanding. I live by my own standard. I need explanations and answers. I value intelligence, insight, integrity, and justice. I am a natural non-conformist, a visionary, and a problem solver. Gold I follow rules and respect authority. I have a strong sense of what is right and wrong in life. I need to be useful and belong. I value home, family, and tradition. I am a natural preserver, a good citizen, and helpful.  Blue I need to feel unique and authentic. I look for meaning and significance in life. I need to contribute, to encourage, and to care. I value integrity and unity in relationships. I am a natural romantic, a poet, and a nurturer.

19 At work or in school… Orange Green Gold Blue
I need to be “hands on”. I like to play games, to compete, and to perform. I enjoy flexibility, changes of pace, and variety. I have a difficult time with routine and structure. My favorite subjects are music, art, theater, and crafts. I often excel in sports. I like solving problems in active ways and negotiating for what I want. I can be direct. I like immediate results. Green I work best by myself. I like to focus on my ideas until my desire for understanding is satisfied. I am easily bored if the subject holds no interest to me. Sometimes it is hard for me to set priorities because so many things are of interest. Gold I like set routines and organized ways of doing things. Rules and directions are a great help to me. I prefer to stay on one topic at a time. I need to know what is expected of me, and I always want to know if I am on the right track. I like subjects that are useful and traditional, such as business, accounting, history, and government. Blue I like to be with people, sharing with them, inspiring them, and helping them. I work and learn best when I can take into consideration people and the human element. I flourish in a atmosphere of cooperation.

20 With friends… Orange Green Gold Blue
Planning ahead bores me because I never know what I want to do until the moment arrives. I like to excite my friends with new and different things, places to go, and romantic moments Green I may seem reserved. Although my thoughts and feelings run deep, I am uneasy with frequent displays of emotion. I enjoy people who are interesting and of high integrity. Gold I prefer people who are careful with their money and who make plans ahead of time. I like my friends to be loyal, dependable, and on time. I am serious about love and show it in many practical ways. Blue I always look for perfect love. I am very romantic, and I enjoy doing thoughtful things for others. I am affectionate, supportive, and a good listener.

21 With family… Orange Green Gold Blue
I need a lot of space and freedom. I want everyone to have fun. It is hard for me to follow rules, and I feel we should all just enjoy one another. Green I am probably seen as a loner because I like a lot of private time to think. Sometimes I find family activities boring. I have difficulty following family rules that don’t make sense to me. I show love by spending time with my family and sharing ideas and interests Gold I like stability and security and enjoy traditions and frequent celebrations. I like to spend holidays with family members, and I plan ahead for such gatherings.  Blue I like to be happy and loving. I am very sensitive to rejection from my family and to family conflicts. I really like to be well thought of and need frequent reassurance. I love intimate talks and warm feelings.

22 Embracing Diversity with True Colors
The core of the True Colors® system identifies intrinsic values, motivations, self-esteem, sources of dignity and worthiness, causes of stress, communication styles, listening styles, non-verbal responses, language patterns, social skills, learning styles, environmental motivators, cultural appeal, negative mental states, relationship orientation, and ethical behaviors. A True Colors training provides: Increased understanding of self and others Expanded appreciation for valuing differences Communication skill-building Avenues for a more harmonious, productive environment Easy integration into existing organizational framework and previous programs A universal language that accelerates problem solving, increases trust, and reduces conflict

23 Get out your Unit 2 Notes

24 Wednesday/ Thursday

25 What was your primary TRUE COLOR? Why?
Warm-up What was your primary TRUE COLOR? Why? What was your secondary TRUE COLOR? Why?

26 Welcome to Comprehensive Health
Social Emotional Environment Homework DUE Friday Assignments Due: Wed Feb 8, 2016 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Pass back graded papers Update notebook order Complete Unit 1 tracking sheet and turn it in Finish Addiction notes Watch Intervention Video Complete Lesson 9/10 Vocab Essential Question: How can addiction affect your mental-emotional health? Objective: I will be able to list risk factors for addiction I will be able to list the 5 signs of addiction

27 Update Unit 1 Tracking Sheet
B. Lesson 1/2 Vocab 4 = 19-21 3 = 17-18 2 = 15-16 1 = 13-14 0 = 12 or less

28 Update Unit 1 Tracking Sheet
C. Ad Appeals Worksheet 18-20 = 4 16-17 = 3 14-15 = 2 12-13 = 1 11 or less = 0

29 Update Unit 1 Tracking Sheet
D. Lesson 3/4 Vocab 4 = 18-19 3 = 15-17 2 = 13-14 1 = 12 0 = 11 or less

30 Update Unit 1 Tracking Sheet
E. Unit 1 Crossword Puzzle 4 = 17-18 3 = 14-16 2 = 12-13 1 = 11 0 = 10 or less

31 Update Unit 1 Tracking Sheet
F. Unit 1 Test 4 = 31-34 3 = 28-30 2 = 23-27 1 = 21-22 0 = 20 or less

32 Test Correction Policy
You must come in AFTER SCHOOL You must review your notes before you attempt to make corrections You cannot use your notes when you are making test corrections You must bring your original bubble sheet You will earn a point for each wrong answer that you CORRECT

33 Turn in your completed Unit 1 Tracking Sheet

34 Addictions

35 Addiction A compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior and continued use despite negative consequences, and loss of control.

36 Characteristics for Teens At Risk for Addiction
Difficulty expressing feelings Depression Negative self-esteem Trouble managing anger Genetic vulnerability Feelings of guilt or shame Constant need for approval Traumatic childhood Poor coping skills Feelings of tension, anxiety, boredom, or loneliness Difficulty delaying gratification Denying problems

37 Draw this table in your notes
Addiction Examples/Details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

38 Guide to Addictions 1. Drug addiction 2. Exercise addiction
Compelling desire to use a drug even though it harms relationships Feeling the need to use because they are bored, anxious, lonely, or depressed Using to avoid facing problems or emotions 2. Exercise addiction Compelling desire to exercise Usually accompanies an eating disorder

39 Guide to Addictions 3. Gambling Addiction 4. Nicotine Addiction
A compelling desire to bet money or other things Casinos, lotteries, sporting events 4. Nicotine Addiction The compelling desire for nicotine Stimulant drug found in tobacco products Most smokers start before the age of 18

40 Guide to Addictions 5. Perfectionism 6. Relationship Addiction
The compelling desire to be flawless Over critical - Nothing is ever good enough Most people that become perfectionists had adults put unrealistic expectations on them during their childhood 6. Relationship Addiction The compelling desire to be connected to another person Use contact with another person when they are feeling depressed or insecure

41 Guide to Addictions 7. Shopping Addiction
The compelling desire to purchase things Hoarding They feel in control when they are making purchases Often feel very guilty after 8. Television/Computer Addiction The compelling desire to watch TV or engage in activities on the computer They use these devices to avoid their real problems or emotions

42 Guide to Addictions 9. Thrill-seeking addiction 10. Workaholism
The compelling desire to take unnecessary risks During risky experiences, biochemical changes occur in the brain that produce pleasure 10. Workaholism The compelling desire to work to fill an emptiness Excessive work or studying They do not enjoy themselves when they are not working Use work to avoid real problems or emotions

43 Friday

Warm-up TURN IN SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL HOMEWORK TO CLASS BASKET WITHOUT LOOKING AT YOUR NOTES!!!! Try to list the 10 common additions that we listed in our notes on Wednesday

45 Welcome to Comprehensive Health
Social Emotional Environment Homework DUE TODAY Assignments Due: Fri Feb 10, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Create board about mental disorders and share them with the class Take notes from other groups presentations Essential Question: What are the different ways people can relate in harmful ways? Objective: I will recognize and describe behaviors typical of people who relate in harmful ways.

46 Mental Disorder Notes You will be put into 8 groups
In your group, send 1 person to get materials 1 White board 1 or 2 White board markers 1 textbook – page 89 Each group will be assigned a Mental disorder to review and present to the class.

47 Mental Disorder Notes Your board must include
Name of your category Definition or description of that category Examples of disorders in that category Your group will have 10 minutes to have your board ready to go Select one person to be the speaker for your group As groups present, you will add the information to your notes

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