TDP Why I choose this topic?

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1 TDP Why I choose this topic?
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Training Good morning everyone, thank you very much for your time. I’m so happy because I could stand in here in front of you all. My name is Madona, and you could call me Dona. I’m from BMKG. Today I want to present my TDP about PSHA Training. Why I choose this topic for My TDP? I have the reason for it. Let’s to the next slide. Madona – BMKG Education and Training Center Why I choose this topic?

2 B A G C INTRODUCTION Audience Background The Training Goal
A Public Servant Have completed at least diploma study (geophysics major) Able to operate ZMAP Able to operate mapping software : GIS, Surfer, ArcGIS, QGIS, GMT, ArcMap or equivalent Background Problem : Most of the victim and financial loss caused by damage & failure of infrastrucuture Solution : a seismic hazard analysis mapping B A Indonesia is valuarable country of the earthquake. And most of the victim and financial loss caused by damage and failure of infrastrucuture. So, the seismic hazard analysis mapping by PSHA method could be used as solution for this problem. At this condition, lack of BMKG geoscientists are able to produce this map. This is background why this training is so important in order to meet BMKG task and function in earthquake mitigation. If employees want to be one of participants this training, then they should fullfill all of requirements, in which the requirements are .... ZMAP is an interactive software tool to investigate and visualize seismicity. This training is organized by BMKG to fullfill job-competency that is ..... And we let’s the next slide G C The Training Goal to improve competency of employees of BMKG in creating Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map for their local area. Job Competency to analysis a seismic hazard mapping using PSHA method

3 THE LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the pricinples of seismic hazard assessments Related to the previous slide, to cover that job-competency that addressed, participants should complete all of content in this training. In which this contents is arrenged based on the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes are .... Let’s the next slide Determine the required input data and the relation to uncertainties in seismic hazard analysis Determine an appropriate method in seismic hazard analysis for a particular situation Apply PSHA method to a seismic hazard analysis Apply a particular software to map a seismic hazard analysis

4 KEY DESIGN DECISIONS The Learning Solutions The Learning Activities
Synchronous : presentation Asynchronous : self-directed learning, working with team and coaching At this slide .... I want to talk about key design decisions. To reach in the learning outcomes, we should need key design decisions for this training, in which the key design decisions are the learning solutions, the learning assessment and the learning activities. In the learning solutions, we will use asynchronous that will be combined by synchronous. It planned synchronous will be conducting once a week. And participants are given opportunity to conduct self-directed learning, working with team and coaching. The Learning Activities Training duration is 8 weeks Activities : Reading, Forum, Practice Exercise, Quizzes, Case Studies, and Ice Breaking\ GOAL The Learning Assessments Initial Assessment Formative : pre-test, quizzes, the practice exercises, case studies Final Project : creating the map of Seismic Hazard Analysis in their local area

Time Trainer & Facilitator In some month, my organizer have another schedule, and some of the trainer/ facilitator are involved in both training. It's challenge on how to keep both the trainings conducted the best. I think this duration is quite long, so it gives the organizers the challenge to hold the interesting and useful training for participants. If you have ever organized the training similar with this training about mapping or equivalent, then I want to you share to us about that. Thank you for your attention .... Appologies if there’re words that is less pleasing. Time management Time duration Staff from Deputy of Geophysics has less the experience to be the trainer in the online training Facilities & Technologies The Bucket List Not all areas in Indonesia have good internet Sharing the training similar with this training about mapping or equivalent

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