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Phase 1 Mass Media Campaign Communications Pre-Testing Protocol

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1 Phase 1 Mass Media Campaign Communications Pre-Testing Protocol
India National Tobacco Control Programme

2 Presentation Agenda Campaign’s Strategic Planning Approach
Communications Pre-Test Method & Results Presentation of Final Public Service Announcements – Smoke & Child, Campaign Brand and Signage Discussion

3 Social Marketing Approach
“…the application of commercial marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, execution, and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behaviour of target audiences in order to improve their personal welfare and that of the society of which they are a part.” (Andreason, 2003)

4 Strategic Approach Two Message Themes
Theme One – Raising awareness of smokefree legislation and enforcement Theme Two - Warning of the dangers of tobacco – active and passive smoking

5 4 Stage Strategic Communication Planning Cycle
Development Planning 1 Identifying Problem & Developing Campaign Objectives Developing & Pre-Testing Concepts, Messages, Materials & Activities 4 4 Evaluating Campaign for Future Planning 2 3 Implementing the Campaign Evaluation Implementation

6 Campaign Target Groups
Primary Target Audience 18 – 44 year old male and female smokers of varying SEC in urban and peri-urban settings. Secondary Target Audience Younger/older male and female smokers and non-smokers of varying SEC in urban, peri-urban and rural settings.

7 Campaign Target Groups
Key influencers Politicians, municipal/corporation administrators, doctors, local leaders and faith leaders. Police enforcement officers, health inspectors, teachers and NGO staff involved in enforcement. Worksite, schools and hospitality industry management. Celebrities, role models and other key influencers. Sports and arts administrators, film industry executives and directors.

8 Campaign Objectives Theme 1 Messages - Smoke-Free Jurisdictions
Increase target audience awareness of the smokefree Act - COTPA. Increase target audience knowledge about GOI commitment to enforcing COTPA. Improve enabler groups attitudes towards enforcement. Increase practices of smokers to not smoke in public places or ask others to stop smoking. Increase non-smokers advocacy practice towards maintenance of smoke-free jurisdictions.

9 Campaign Objectives Theme 2 Messages - Tobacco Health Risks
Increase target audience knowledge about the toxicity of tobacco smoke and the illnesses caused. Increase target audience personal risk perceptions of active and passive smoking. Increase practices of smokers to not smoke around others.

10 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Creative Materials
Evaluation of Creative Concepts – 3 Concepts – Theme 1 3 Concepts - Theme 2 Evaluation of Campaign Brands Evaluation of Point of Smoking (POS) signage

11 Stage 2 Development Communications Pre-test Method
16 Focus Group Discussions conducted – Aug 2008 Cities in 3 States – Delhi (North), Mumbai (West) & Chennai (South)

12 Stage 2 Development FGD Sampling Frames
Cities Theme -1 Theme -2 Total FGD Delhi 4 2 6 Mumbai 3 5 Chennai Total 10 16

13 M/F Advocates/Enablers
Stage 2 Development FGD Sampling Frames Group Location SEC AGE Gender & Criteria 1 Delhi AB 18-24 Male Smokers 2 25-34 Female Smokers 3 CD 35-44 4 ABCD 18-44 M/F Advocates/Enablers 5 Chennai Female Non-Smokers 6 7 8 Mumbai 9 Male Non-Smokers 10

14 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-Test Method
8–10 respondents per group. Use of standardised, semi-structured discussion guide and trained moderators. Rotation of concept stimuli to avoid positional bias. Use of self-completion forms to record spontaneous emotional impact. Use of quantitative ranking form recording emotional, intellectual and actionable indicators to support qualitative findings (self-completion). Video-recording of FGD to client observation room.

15 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-Test Indicators

16 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-Test Indicators
Emotional, Intellectual and Actionable Indicators Concept that I would most remember Concept that made me feel most concerned Concept that made me feel most personally threatened Concept that made me feel l most wanted to do something about smoking Concept most likely to get me to ask a smoker to stop smoking in a non-smoking area Concept most likely to curb my smoking Concept which had the most visual appeal to me Concept that works best in both languages

17 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Stimuli – Theme 1
Restaurant Office Smoke

18 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Stimuli – Theme 2
Child Lungs Address

19 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Stimuli – Brands

20 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Approach
Warm-up and general discussion to identify KAP. Two exposures of each concept, with self-completion of spontaneous emotional response forms. Followed by minutes discussion – qualitative feedback. Following discussion on all 3 concepts, completion of overall ranking form – quantitative feedback.

21 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Results
43% 30% 24% 17% Aware Touched Alert Sad Inspired Spontaneous Emotional Impact – Smoke Concept

22 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Results
Smoking is injurious to health Focussed to stop smoking/determination to quit smoking No Smoking in public place Smoking pollutes the environment Awareness about negatives of smoking To make city/country smoke free Affects others/non smokers Fine should be paid for smoking at public places Smoking in hotels/public places is an offence Responsibility 41% 20% 15% 8% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Message Take-out - Address Concept

23 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Results
Results of participant ranking of the three concepts against the 17 emotional, intellectual and actionable indicators. Theme 1 Concepts - Final Mean Scores* Smoke 84 Restaurant 77 Office Theme 2 Concepts - Final Mean Scores** Lungs 86 Child 79 Address *Quantitative scores concurred with qualitative assessment of concepts. **Qualitative assessment of Child ranked higher than Address.

24 Stage 2 Development Communication Pre-test Results – Brands
RANKED 1* SCORE – 54 RANKED 2 SCORE – 44 RANKED 3 SCORE – 31 * Quantitative scores concurred with qualitative assessment of concepts.

25 Stage 3 Implementation Final Brand Design

26 Stage 3 Implementation Final Public Service Announcements
Smoke (Theme 1 Communication)

27 Stage 3 Implementation Final Public Service Announcements
Child (Theme 2 Communication)

28 Stage 3 Implementation PSA Communication Post-test
Additional four FGD conducted following completion of final PSAs to confirm that changes were faithfully executed – Total 20 FGD conducted.

29 Stage 3 Implementation Outdoor Application of Concepts and Brand

30 Stage 3 Implementation Outdoor Application of Concepts and Brand

31 Stage 3 Implementation Outdoor Application of Concepts and Brand

32 Stage 2 Development Pre-test Results – POS Signs
International non-smoking roundel required. Limited wording - penalty and Gov. accreditation. Local language and English versions needed. Simple 2 colour repro is clear and cost effective. Long-copy versions of the Act will not get read.

33 Stage 3 Implementation Final POS Signage
Mandatory COTPA Sign 60cm x 30cm Complementary A4-A5 Indoor signs

34 Communications Pre-Testing Lessons Learned
Pre-testing provides insights into target audience responses to communication messages to guide creative development. The use of qualitative and quantitative data reinforces validity of findings. FGD should be done independently of creative development to avoid internal bias. Pre-testing can also identify regional cultural differences. Additional KAP data can be gleaned prior to the pre-test.

35 Phase 1 Mass Media Campaign Communications Pre-Testing

36 Thank You Dr. Jagdish Kaur, Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India Tahir Turk, Mass Media Technical Advisor, World Lung Foundation

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