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Or rather a clear overview?

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Presentation on theme: "Or rather a clear overview?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or rather a clear overview?
Chaos in the Emergency Department?

2 Adequate support for every single care provider working in critical medical care.

3 For every patient: the right care, at the right moment, by the right person.

4 connecting the dots

5 WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE for the emergency department

6 ED AssessmentTool
Functional gap: Sequences in non-sequential workflows Documents unfortunately don’t disappear Checklists with calculations and follow-up actions Need for steering examinations and workflows Per specialism Per patient type Solution: ED AssessmentTool Available as a module as of version 3.0

7 ED AssessmentTool
Construction kit (like Lego or Meccano) with following possibilities: Create assessments (Administrator) Fill in assessments (Nurse / Doctor) Define workflows Buildup documentation Documents and messages Reports Filled in, standardized PDF-files Solution: ED AssessmentTool Available as a module as of version 3.0

8 Create an assessment (Administrator)

9 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Free text Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

10 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Formatted text (postal code, telephone, number format,...) Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

11 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Calendar Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

12 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Dropdown 1 Selection Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

13 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Radiobutton 1 Selection Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

14 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Checkbox Multiple selections possible Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

15 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Button: open an application or website Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

16 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Panel = cosmetics: “Pimp your form” Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

17 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Picture: Photo, Logo, ... Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

18 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Drawing: enables drawing on a background (e.g.: on a corpus, heart, denture, ...) Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

19 Create an assessment (Administrator)
Define content and lay-out of every building block with these settings. Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

20 Create an assessment (Administrator)
… and define how and where each answer is saved in the 1 to 1 to a known field in the database (name, date of birth, weight, statistic field,…), so that the question is answered automatically. As documentation in an existing field in the tab Clinical (e.g. anamnesis) As a “clinical line” which isn’t shown in the application, but is saved in the database. Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

21 Fill in an assessment (Nurse / Doctor)

22 To fill in an assessment, no additional knowledge or training is required.
Documenting will turn out to be: faster completer easier

23 Fill in an assessment (Nurse / Doctor)
Click the checkmark to open the assessment. Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

24 Answers can lead to a calculated score.
Fill in an assessment (Nurse / Doctor) Answers can lead to a calculated score. Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

25 Fill in an assessment (Nurse / Doctor)
… and at the bottom, the percentage of answered mandatory questions is shown. Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

26 Fill in an assessment (Nurse / Doctor)
You can - close an assessment (remains editable) - definitely close an assessment (becomes read only) Please use the arrow key to proceed at your own pace

27 Assessments steer the workflows!
When an assessment is closed: the task is considered as executed all follow-up actions are initiated Assessments steer the workflows!

28 Define workflows

29 Therefor we setup “Rules” for each answer
Each answer to each question can initiate a new step in the care process: a new task (possibly again an assessment …) a new examination or measurement a document or a combination You dispose of UNLIMITED steering possibilities.

30 Buildup documentation

31 All answers are saved Visible in existing fields Or not visible behind the scenes THAT MEANS All answers can be used in documents or messages in reports or in standardized PDF-files

32 Wherefore do we use assessments?

33 Standardized inquiry or measurement
MRSA-screening Geriatric assessments Modified Early Warning Score Possibly with corresponding calculation of scores

34 Example: Geriatric assessment

35 Example: MRSA-screening

36 Example: GRACE Risk Score

37 Example: BRASS-index

38 Wherefore do we use assessments? Documentation in one flow, e.g.:
Triage-assessment Nurse anamnesis Examination-checklists per professional group or specialism

39 Example: Checklist at admission

40 Example: Neurology

41 Wherefore do we use assessments?
Transferring non-userfriendly PDF-files (or parts of it) to paperless “forms” To make available the filled in PDF-file at a later point in time.

42 Example: Shockroom-protocol

43 For all questions whose answer influences or steers further workflows.
Wherefore do we use assessments? For all questions whose answer influences or steers further workflows.

44 Why do you need the AssessmentTool?

45 Document faster and more efficiently
Quality improvement of the documentation Monitor completeness of the documentation Guarantee information flows Support and steering the workflows Adapted to specific target groups Easy to administer Recognizability and user-friendliness as a solution to fear of IT

46 The AssessmentTool = the last step to paperless and qualitative documentation and steering the workflows

47 User of the ED application share experiences and assessments. offers an online platform: The assessment-catalogue.

48 every single care provider working in critical medical care.
Adequate support for every single care provider working in critical medical care. For every patient: the right care, at the right moment, by the right person. bvba Campus Blairon 454 2300 Turnhout - Belgium Tel:

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