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Read for 10 min.

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1 Read for 10 min

2 Seating chart

3 Rise of Russia Ukraine/Russian inhabited by hunters-gatherers, Slavs – constantly fought among selves, called on neighbors Vikings of N. Europe called Rus for aid 3 brothers selected to aid, oldest Rurik took control of the city of Novgorod & became King Nobleman Oleg ventured south founding Kiev, from there could trade with Constantinople. Made agreement with Byzantine empire and converted to Christianity Yaroslav the Wise, became grand prince 1019 until Collected Religious books translated from Greek to Slavic language, beautified Kiev’s structures, codified Russian law. Kept peace with Western Europe, how do you believe??? Arranged marriages between his daughters and European Princes to have ample trading partners

4 Book/Growth of Early Russia Partner Work
With a partner read/review the sections titled “Russia’s Birth” and “Kiev’s Power and Decline” on pp. 307/308. Use the map on the handout and on page 308 to answer these questions in your Learning Log Where did the Vikings come from? What routes did they use to reach Constantinople? (draw the routes on the handout) What bodies of water would the Vikings use in reaching Constantinople? Circle the city that formed the first capital of Russia. Draw a square around the city that was Vladimir’s most important city. Complete the handout

5 Russian Christianity Missionaries from Byzantium came in and preached to the slavs during ninth century. Blending of Slavic/Greek ways made Russian culture Two monks/brothers Cyril/Methodius came as missionaries to convert Slavs, gave mass in Slavonic language instead of traditional Greek Desired to translate religious texts for more readers, created Cyrillic alphabet – alphabet for Slavonic language based on Greek alphabet Result = mass conversion Grand Duke Vladimir I of Kiev converted (father of Yaroslav) Christianity became state religion of Kievan Russia/Russian Orthodox Church founded, Vladimir became a saint in new church. Vladimir read from Primary Chronicle

6 Russia under attack Yaroslav made one major mistake, divided his empire among his sons. TPS why is this a mistake? Tradition was to give it to eldest, when he died the sons tore the state apart wanting more land. Dominance ended by Mongols 1240 destroyed Kiev, “no eye remained to weep”, 5 yrs later “When we passed through that land, we found lying in the field countless heads and bones of dead people.” Alexander Nevsky Prince of Novgorod changed Russians to support the invaders, fought for the Mongols instead of against Won many battles against swedes and central Asian tribes. Advised other princes to cooperate with the Mongols Many princes accepted Mongol rule and not as many were destroyed by them as were previously or in other areas. Kiev grew in importance, became capital of a nation and one of the greater cities in Asia.

7 Partner Work With your partner read through the section titled “Russia Breaks Free” on P. 310/311. Then answer these questions with your partner. How did the Mongols help Moscow rise to power? When was Moscow founded? When did Moscow become important? How did Russian princes make Moscow important? Write one more unique question and answer it.

8 New Kingdoms West no single empire arose from Rome’s ashes, Germanic tribes established many small kingdoms. Anglos/Saxons from Germany migrated to Britain in 400’s founding seven small independent kingdoms 500’s Christianity slowly spread through England beginning with the people of Kent What is the best way to bring people together? Danes invaded from North forcing Anglo/Saxon independent kingdoms to combine under Alfred the Great Defeated Danes, became ruler of all of England. Reorganized army, issued own code of laws, improved court’s financial system, greatest achievement establishing a system of schools that educated adults/kids Franks/France led by King Clovis , promise to join church if won battle, 496 Clovis & 3,000 baptized

9 Society Anglo/Saxon’s & Franks made western Europe largely Christian society. Christianity appealed to many during middle ages or medieval times – many people filled with doubt/suffering/hardship. Christianity offered comfort/promise of happy afterlife/sense of community Many desired to share beliefs through….? Missionary work Patrick to Ireland, faced opposition/hostility, within 60 years at time of death nearly converted all of Ireland to Christianity/snake myth/ St. Patrick's day Gregory the Great, changed views on papacy – leadership of church. Made pope supreme patriarch of church. Which one?

10 Monks/Monasteries Benedictine Rule created, rule, collection of guidelines for monks Benedict of Nursia created it, son of noble, abandoned life to become a hermit. Dedication to God inspired Christians to live as he did. Formed monastery at Monte Cassino in Italy as first abbot – leader. Rigid lifestyle/led school teaching some of greatest theologians/writers. Helped preserve knowledge of Greece/Rome. Monasteries became centers of wealth and power. How? TPS Kings/nobles donated money/gifts in exchange for prayers said on their behalf. Wealth = political involvement , monks became adviser/aides to local/national rulers

11 Continued… Second branch of monasticism Celtic Monasticism in Ireland
Long fasts/solitary contemplation, no farming/ritual prayers like Benedictines. TPS with your partner share the accomplishments of monks both Benedictine/Celtic. What is/was their importance in medieval times and now? You may use the books for answers.

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