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EMU Members Questionnaire Results

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1 EMU Members Questionnaire Results
Meeting of the Boards Tallinn, 30 – 31 March 2017


3 How many persons are working in the office of your association?
Austria 1 Belgium 14 Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland 4 France Germany 20 (21) Italy 1 Luxembourg 2 Norway 28 Serbia Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands 8

4 How many persons are working in the office of your association?

5 In what kind of working relation are they?

6 What is the total budget of your association in Euro?
Austria 38.000 Czech Republic 47.000 Denmark 85.000 Estonia 37.000 Finland France Germany Luxembourg 10.000 Norway Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands

7 Please state the percentage (%) of your overall budget that comes from:
state or other public funding membership fees other income (excl. project funding) Austria 100 Czech Republic 98 2 Denmark Estonia 40 60 Finland 13 74 France 7,5 77,5 2,5 Germany 30 10 Italy Luxembourg Norway 56,5 12,5 21 Serbia Sweden Switzerland 85 15 The Netherlands 75 25

8 What are the biggest challenges for your organisation?
Austria Budget for the coordination office of KOMU is financed by the provinces, there is no state funding for KOMU Belgium Organisation of a «journée des académies Bruxelloises» Czech Republic AZUS CR seeks to preserve the network of schools; actively comment on the development and changes in legal standards; expresses to resolving labor-law issues; advocates a form of art school funding to ensure equal access to basic art education; collaborating in the creation and editing of curriculum Denmark Internal desires for organisational change Estonia Organising cooperation with professional unions; music education negotiations with educational and culture ministries; organising republican competitions; international cooperation development. Finland Renewal of the national curriculum; new expectations towards music schools (equality/quality); lack of project funding. France To bring pedagogical coherence for a large number and a big diversity of music schools; To defend art education in relation to the new regional organization, especially the new French Regions; To develop the dialogue with our members and to offer new services; To strengthen the links with other art education organizations at a national and a European level; To make us better known

9 What are the biggest challenges for your organisation?
Germany Change of employment in Music schools and change of political trends - from education in continuity to "project-hopping" Italy Having political recognition; improve number of music schools/ being effective in helping member schools: legislation, projects, management, international contacts. Luxembourg The preservation of our study level and the teaching load due to social change and full-time school or day care Norway To be prepared for the future Serbia Economical and social transition Sweden At this moment, to complete the national process about a task for the arts schools, and a national strategy. Switzerland Policy, Quality, Promotion of Talents and national concept, fight against budget cuts The Netherlands The decline in public funding for our members

10 Where are the biggest opportunities to develop your activities and music education in your country in the future? Austria Basic research on music schools, further development of music schools and strong cooperation with schools and culture and musical partners Belgium The concerts in each academy Czech Republic Care for the quality of education, preservation of traditions, implementation of new technologies Denmark In the elementary school Estonia Collaboration with hobby education and creative unions and negotiations with education and culture ministries; Cooperation with music colleges and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre; Improving music education in co-operation with professional unions (study materials, training cources etc). Finland New national curriculum, collaboration with other arts (Art schools union) and other networks (e.g Finnish music Council) France In the dialogue with the State and the new French regions; in taking into account the other arts, new pedagogies and new audiences

11 Where are the biggest opportunities to develop your activities and music education in your country in the future? Germany From todays point of view there are only few nationwide opportunities; best chances for development can be seen in growing subsidies by the several governments of the 16 Federal States in Germany and especially in political efforts for a solid financial basis for musicschools that is guaranteed (on communal and municipal level) for periods from 5 to 10 years Italy 0-6 music education/ disabled children/ adults over 70/ Luxembourg The development of a course of studies for teenagers, especially in the "Rock-Po-Jazz" field; Cooperation / Collaboration with public schools Norway Make the new curriculum work in all the local municipalities Serbia Pedagogical international cooperation Sweden Our biggest challenge, but also opportunity, is to reach more pupils to start both music and others Switzerland Policy, training and further education of school leaders, Implementation of quality management in schools, Communication, Projects and research, coaching The Netherlands To cooperate with others in our field i.e. libraries and theaters

12 How could EMU support your activities?
Austria Plattform and partner for European research on music schools (comparative analysis of music school systems, descriptions and figures); plattform for European exchange (e.g. job shadowing possibilities) Czech Republic Learning of educational systems in different countries, EMU as a check point - information, inspiration, threats and solutions, guarantor of the rights of artistic education, child and equal access to education Estonia international training coures and sharing good pratices; Overview of unions strucures and management practices of different countries; Collecting and sharing info about international youth competitions and festivals; Sharing ideas, good practices and innovative study materials. Finland Via European Agenda for Music (EMC) and capacity building seminars as well as meeting of the boards. France Actually EMU already does a lot, with exchange of information and good practices, capacity building seminars and youth festivals. We have the project to invite a capacity building seminar in France.

13 How could EMU support your activities?
Germany Advocacy for efficient EU-Programs for youth and culture, especially music education Italy Lobbying politicians in Europe; disseminating music schools best practices; promoting regional group meetings Luxembourg EMU is the platform where we can get in touch with other persons in charge to collect and exchange experiences Norway Capacity building - To be prepared for the future Serbia Pedagogical seminars Sweden A network is always good for development and learning! Switzerland Exchange and debates on the topic of music education The Netherlands By preparing for a future of multifunctional organisations.

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