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Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community

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1 Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community
Ethan Davis1, Charlie Zender2, David Arctur3, Kevin O’Brien4, Dave Santek5, Aleksandar Jelenak6 Goals Engage the existing netCDF-CF community Increase the range of geoscience domains that are using netCDF-CF and active in the CF community Extend the netCDF-CF standard to support data from a wider range of geoscience domains Collaborate with other standards groups such as the OGC, ESIP, RDA, and NASA ESDS Activities / Outcomes Two community workshops (May 2016 & 2017 Q2) Work with geoscience domains new to netCDF-CF to add CF standard names Draft extensions to the netCDF-CF standard (See center text box) Extend existing software tools with prototype / proof-of-concept capabilities for each of the draft extensions Proposed Extensions for netCDF-CF Add support for netCDF enhanced data model Hierarchical group structures (for data and metadata) More natural representation of observational data Add support for more complex data footprints (e.g. river segment networks and drainage basins) Standardized representation for satellite data Standardized representation for radar data Other Possible Extensions Harmonize CF coordinate systems with OGC CRS (and other coordination with OGC netCDF SWG) Unstructured grids (e.g., UGRID, SGRID) Dataset Aggregation: various forms Support for namespaces and/or URI prefixes; Investigate support for Linked Data and semantic technologies netCDF Classic Data Model netCDF Enhanced Data Model Get Involved with netCDF-CF EC netCDF-CF GitHub site CF mailing list for general discussions CF 2.0 GitHub site Contact Ethan Davis, Community Process Gather science-based use cases Gather example data sets Community discussion Draft a specification for an extension Prototype capabilities in existing tools Test Repeat … This material is based upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. ( )." [1] UCAR Unidata [2] University of CA, Irvine [3] University of TX, Austin [4] Univiversity of WA/JISAO and NOAA/PMEL [5] University of WI, Madison / SSEC [6] The HDF Group Unidata is one of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)'s Community Programs (UCP), and is funded primarily by the National Science Foundation (Grant NSF ). EGU General Assembly 2016 – 21 April 2016 Session: ESSI2.5 - Metadata, Data Models, and Semantics Poster: EGU (A.455)

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