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2 Space



5 Gravity Gravity is a force that keeps the planets in motion around the sun Gravity acts everywhere in the universe

6 1

7 Rotation Spin on an axis Causes day and night

8 Revolution Orbital motion of a planet around the sun 1 year

9 1 year, 365 days, or 12 months

10 Rotation or spinning

11 Moon phases

12 3

13 Tides

14 2

15 3

16 Seasons December June

17 2 Which diagram best represents the tilt of Earth’s axis in December?

18 Ptolemy Earth was the center of the Universe geocentric

19 Aristotle Geocentric model
the planets and stars were perfect spheres but Earth was not thought that the movements of the planets and stars must be circular 

20 Copernicus Heliocentric Determined Earth rotates on its axis

21 Galileo Telescope

22 asteroid a small rocky body orbiting the sun
Most are found between Mars and Jupiter

23 Meteors streak of light in the sky ("shooting star“) produced by the entry of a small meteoroid into the Earth's atmosphere

24 comet a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun

25 moon or moon, is a celestial body that orbits another body

26 4

27 Rocketry History Sputnik 1957 Explorer 1 1958 Apollo 1967
Apollo first moon landing Space Shuttle –1981 Reusable space craft

28 Artificial Satellites
human-built objects orbiting the Earth and other planets in the Solar System used to study the Earth, other planets, to help us communicate, and even to observe the distant Universe Sputnik 1 Explorer 1 GOES (geostationary) Hubble Space Telescope International Space Station

29 Missions to the Moon 1959 Luna did a flyby
1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon 1972 last Apollo mission to the moon

30 Mars Robotic Exploration
Spirit: 2004, studied rocks and minerals to determine if there was ever life on Mars Phoenix Mars Lander: 2008, looking for the presence of water Curiousity: 2012, studied if Mars is suitable for life

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