Parents Induction Meeting

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1 Parents Induction Meeting
The Foundation Stage Parents Induction Meeting

2 The Foundation Stage … The children will spend their week working with their class teacher and teaching assistant. Children have the opportunity to meet other teachers in the school when they come and work with us and the children visit other classrooms during Golden Time. After a settling in period, the children will have the opportunity to mix with other classes at Child Initiated time each day

3 Uniform Please ensure that names are in EVERYTHING!!!
Please send coats EVERYDAY Sensible shoes and no jewellery P.E. kits in school everyday, we will send them home at half term P.E. Days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Sometimes the children will only change their shoes and socks.

4 Exciting Things This Term
Topic –Magical Me! Dahlicious Day 23rd September Sing a long – Harvest Theme 4th October 11.30 Phonics and reading meeting Show and Tell – after half term. We will send a letter home. All about me books Talking Puppet/Mascot Window sheets to inform you about our learning for the week.

5 What can you do to help your child’s literacy development?
Letter sounds/ oral blending Phonic sheets- When we start phonics we will send these home on a Friday with the next weeks sounds to practise. Pre-readers – books without words Reading Book Pencil control and letter formation Name writing Emergent writing/mark making

6 What can you do to help your child’s mathematical development???
Counting up to 20 Number recognition up to 20 Shapes, colours and patterns Weighing and measuring

7 Characteristics of Effective Learning
We observe children to see how they are learning and their attitudes towards learning. We look at these three areas: Engagement- do they show curiosity and a ‘can do’ attitude? Motivation- can they persevere when a challenge occurs? Can they concentrate and focus? Creating and thinking critically- Can they problem solve? Can they test out their ideas and review how well an approach is working?

8 Expectations… The Golden Rules Golden Time Values and British Values
Merit awards, Good Learning Board, stickers, Magic Moments/Busy Bees/Amazing Astronauts

9 Other matters… Please ensure that your child brings in their book bag every day Home school diary – useful communication Going home – permission Wish List – We may sometimes ask for donations of items that you may have at home. E.g. Left-over Christmas cards/wrapping paper, straws

10 And Finally… If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us and we will do our best to help you We look forward to working with you and your child throughout the school year

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