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2 Amputation Amputat/o - to cut through
Amputation – removal of a limb or part of a limb

3 Amputation Amputat/o - to cut through
AKA (Above knee amputation) – removal of a limb above the knee

4 Amputation Amputat/o - to cut through
BKA (Below knee amputation) – removal of a limb below the knee

5 Tendin/o - tendon -itis -inflammation
Tendinitis - inflammation of a tendon

6 Tendin/o - tendon -ous -pertaining to
Tendinous –pertaining to a tendon

7 Ten/o - tendon -tomy incision Tenotomy -process of cutting a tendon

8 Ten/o - tendon -desis -surgical fixation Tenodesis
-surgical fixation of a tendon

9 Ton/o - tone;tension Atonic -pertaining to a muscle that has no tone or tension Myotonia -inability of the muscle to relax after increased muscular contraction Dystonia -abnormal muscle tone or tension Tonic – pertaining to tone or tension

10 -asthenia - no strength
Myasthenia -no muscle strength

11 -clonus - turmoil Myoclonus -alternate muscular relaxation and contraction in rapid succession

12 -kinesia - movement;motion
Brady -slow Bradykinesia - slow movement Dyskinesia -impairment of muscle movement Hyper -excessive Hyperkinesia -excessive movement

13 -tort/i - twisted - collis - neck Torticollis - Stiff neck caused by spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles

14 -trophy - growth Atrophy -wasting away of the muscle

15 -trophy - growth Dystrophy -abnormal development of the muscle

16 -trophy - growth Hypertrophy -increase in size -leads to organomegaly

17 -tract -to draw Con- together Contraction
-process of drawing up and thickening of a muscle fiber

18 -tract -to draw Con- together Contracture
- condition in which the muscle shortens and becomes resistant to stretching

19 -tract -to draw Dupuytren’s Contracture
- thickening and tightening of the subcutaneous tissue of the hand

20 -thermy - heat Diathermy - heat applied to deep tissues - used to increase blood flow

21 Diathermy Types of Diathermy Microwave- uses eletromagnetic radiation
Short wave- uses high frequency electric current Ultrasound- uses high frequency sound waves

22 Exercise Exercise - performed activity of the muscles for improvement of health or correction of deformity

23 Types of Exercise Active – muscular contraction and relaxation by patient

24 Types of Exercise Assistive – muscular contraction and relaxation with the assistance of a therapist

25 Types of Exercise Isometric – active muscular contraction performed against stable resistance

26 Types of Exercise Passive – exercise performed by another individual without patient assistance

27 Types of Exercise Range of motion (ROM) – movement of each joint through its full range of motion - used to prevent loss of mobility or to regain the use of a joint

28 Types of Exercise Relief of tension – used to promote relaxation of muscles

29 Aging Muscle atrophy - sarcopenia Disuse Male (decreased testosterone)
Female (decreased estrogen) Decreased growth hormone Decreased nervous control

30 Common Diseases Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
-compression of the median nerve

31 Common Diseases Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
-compression of the median nerve - Any condition that causes swelling within the carpal tunnel can irritate the median nerve. Irritation of the median nerve causes tingling and numbness of the thumb, index, and the middle fingers

32 Common Diseases Myasthenia Gravis -varying degrees of weakness of skeletal muscles of the body

33 Common Diseases Muscular Dystrophy - genetic disease
- progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles

34 Common Diseases Strain -tearing. twisting, over-stretching, or over-extension of muscles and tendons

35 Common Diseases Hamstring Injury – injury to any part of the:
Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Semitendinosus

36 Common Diseases Rotator cuff injury – injury to tendons that wrap around the head of the humerus, or to any of the rotator cuff muscles

37 Abbreviations EMG electromyography IM intramuscular
ROM range of motion

38 Abbreviations RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation
SLR straight leg raising


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