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Topic 4b-Government in the 1920s

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1 Topic 4b-Government in the 1920s
Analyze how the policies of Harding and Coolidge encouraged economic growth Explain the effects of Teapot Dome and other scandals on the Harding Presidency Explain the new role of the US following WWI

2 Warren G. Harding Harding elected in 1920-return to Normalcy
No more Progressive reform-encouraged growth of business Low taxes on individuals and corporation High tariffs on foreign goods Laissez-Faire Approach-less regulation of business Did contribute to growth and prosperity of 1920s As review from Topic 2, what were some of the initiatives Progressives attempted to enact to fix business practices? How is the quote above different from that of the Progressives? 2. What is meant by Laissez-faire and how could this potentially be a problem with businesses?

3 Corruption in Harding Administration
Well-liked-not incredibly intelligent Let friends make big decisions for him-greedy and looking to get rich-wasted taxpayer money on useless things Teapot Dome-oil reserves moved to Wyoming from Navy Dept.-intended for Navy’s use but instead given to private oilmen for bribes Elaborate on the Teapot Dome Scandal. How is this similar to some of the issues that may come with Laissez-faire economics?

4 1. Analyze the political cartoon
1. Analyze the political cartoon. Who do you think are the people running?

5 Calvin Coolidge Harding died-scandals bad for American people
Calvin Coolidge (Silent Cal) next President No corruption-also no Progressives Huge tax cuts for rich-unemployment fell from 6-3% Still issues Labor unions-ignored Mexican-American workers-bad conditions African-Americans-still being lynched Cal-Silent What were some of the positives of the administration of Coolidge? Some of the negatives? How could Cal possibly have solved some of the issues still facing various people in the United States during the 1920s?

6 US Position Post WWI US new world power after WWI
US played a big role in world trade/business Washington Naval Disarmament Conference and Kellogg-Briand Pact-attempt for peace but limited US lent lots to Britain and France-would not let Britain and France not pay back their debt-Dawes Plan Explain the Washington Naval Disarmament Conference and the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Why were they largely unsuccessful? What is the potential issue with the US requiring Britain and France to continue their payment considering the severity of WWI? How did the Dawes Plan attempt to solve this?

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