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Vocab List 17 -Supply-side economics -Cooperative Individualism -Isolationism -Teapot Dome Scandal (209) -Five power Naval Limitation Treaty -Kellogg-Briand.

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2 Vocab List 17 -Supply-side economics -Cooperative Individualism -Isolationism -Teapot Dome Scandal (209) -Five power Naval Limitation Treaty -Kellogg-Briand Pact -Dawes Plan

3 Politics & Foreign Policy
Roaring Twenties Politics & Foreign Policy

4 I. Background A) Why is it called “Roaring Twenties?” Best Era Ever
Jazz, Movies, Radio, Celebrities Gangsters, illegal liquor, sexuality is embraced Increased wealth (for some) B) Republicans in power → Business lobbyists in power Good for economy in short run Weakened unions Lower income/bsns taxes C) Post WWI → Want to prevent war in future

5 Refresher from last time

6 II. Politics A) Warren G Harding - “return to normalcy” 1920
Good guy but picked scandalous cabinet ex 1: Attorney General paid $$$ to not prosecute criminals ex 2: Teapot Dome Scandal - Paid $$$ by private business for contract Dies of Heart Attack 1923 B) Calvin “Silent Cal” Coolidge 1924: “Chief business for Americans is Business” -Silent Cal 2011: “I’m not a businessman-- I’m a business, man” -Jay Z Supply-side economics: Lower taxes → consumers spend extra $$$ Spend more $$$ → Economy grows → We’re wealthier

7 Video on Silent Cal

8 III. Preventing War A) Isolationism - staying out of world affairs
1) We refused to ratify Treaty of Versailles 2) Did not join League of Nations 3) Neutrality Acts - would not arm countries at War B) 1922 Five-Powers Treaty - Italy/France/Japan/Britain/USA agree to 10 year halt on construction of war ships C) 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact - USA + 14 other countries agree to abandon war and settle disputes peacefully

9 IV. Big Picture Before WW1 - USA a debtor nation
End of WW1 - France/Britain/Germany owe USA $10 billion in war debts 1920 = We dominate economically + Pro-business politically will further boost.

10 Modern Isolationsim

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