FCHD 3210 Families and Cultural Diversity

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Presentation on theme: "FCHD 3210 Families and Cultural Diversity"— Presentation transcript:

1 FCHD 3210 Families and Cultural Diversity
Grant N. Bartholomew FL 216 , appointments

2 Diversity moment or hot topic issue

3 Goals for Today Introductions Provide an overview Course Syllabus
My expectations

4 Who Are You? Tell us about yourself! Name Where from Year in school
1-2 things that your closest friends know about you

5 Diverse Families Why study this topic?
Purpose: The word diversity encompasses a wide variety of meanings and experiences. These include, but are not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, SES, sexual orientation, age, ability, and religion/spirituality. The goal of this course is to enhance your knowledge, awareness, and sensitivity to issues of diversity and the role they play in the experiences and relationships of individuals, couples, and families.

6 Syllabus Living document All dates may not be in there yet Attendance
CI course In general, each class will begin with a diversity moment or hot topic issue. Students are encouraged to bring in issues they find of interest that deal with cultural diversity.

7 Canvas

8 Attendance Some quizzes will be used to check attendance
Some times I’ll ask a question in class and have you respond in writing to measure attendance Other methods may be used

9 Participation Being here Contributing to the discussion
Turning in work

10 Quizzes No pop quizzes Told ahead of time
Short and used to measure that you are reading and attending class

11 papers First paper is written to help me assign you to groups for the group presentation. You will write a paragraph about each of the possible cultural groups. My culture: philosophy, self-discovery, family culture (draft and final) Cultural Group individual report, should include a final paragraph indicating the participation of group members. (draft and final) Tal;k about giving more information in weeks to come

12 Paper 1 Each student will rank the cultural groups from the following list in their order of preference. Your first brief paper assignment will be to write nine or ten paragraphs describing or outlining understanding of and experience with each of the Cultural groups listed below (One paragraph per cultural group, in order of your preference to work on policy in that area). Indo American Families Families & Poverty Latino Families Asian American & Pacific Islander Families Women & Gender Gay & Lesbian Families Native American Families Arab American Families Due:

13 What is Culture?

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