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Unit 5 Section 1 A Turbulent Decade

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1 Unit 5 Section 1 A Turbulent Decade
U.S. History Unit 5 Section 1 A Turbulent Decade

2 Timeline

3 Timeline 1919 – 1929 Video

4 Demobilization

5 Demobilization

6 Demobilization The transition from wartime to peacetime production levels Causes social and economic strain on the country

7 Return to normalcy

8 Return to normalcy

9 Campaign slogan of Warren G. Harding in the 1920 election.
“America’s present need is not heroics but healing.” Shifting America back to isolationism and slamming the door on global affairs. Return to normalcy

10 20’s Tax Reduction

11 20’s Tax Reduction

12 The 1920's saw the tax burden of middle Americans decrease while most lower income Americans were relieved of their tax burden altogether Supply-side economics If taxes are lower, businesses and people would spend and invest more money That would lead to more tax revenue collected by the government 20’s Tax Reduction

13 Marxism

14 Marxism

15 The political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Marx argued that the working class would eventually replace the ruling class Marxism provides the basis for communism Marxism

16 Communism

17 Communism

18 Communism Political system proposed by Karl Marx
All property and production of goods are controlled by the government Attempts to create a utopian society Communism

19 In 1917, in the middle of WWI, Russia’s Tsarist government was overthrown by communists
The revolution caused Americans to fear that communism could come to the U.S. Communism

20 Red scare

21 Red scare

22 A period of anticommunist hysteria during 1919 and 1920
Was a response to the Russian Revolution of 1917 Was driven by the fear that communism might take a foothold in the United States Red scare Video

23 Palmer’s raids

24 Palmer’s raids

25 A series of raids that were intended to capture alleged radicals
Arrested thousands of radicals in 33 cities Most were poor immigrants who had recently arrived in the country Palmer’s raids

26 Sacco & Vanzetti

27 Sacco & Vanzetti

28 Immigrants who were convicted of the murder of a paymaster and guard in a payroll robbery
Evidence against them was weak – the judge suspected them of radical behavior Executed for the crime Sacco & Vanzetti

29 Warren G. Harding

30 Warren G. Harding

31 Republican nominee for President in 1920 election
Won by a wide margin – 404 to 127 electoral votes Warren G. Harding

32 Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act

33 Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act

34 Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
Pushed tariff rates on manufactured goods to an all time high Helped U.S. manufacturers by allowing them to keep higher prices to increase profits Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act

35 Mergers

36 Mergers

37 The combining of two or more companies
Brought greater efficiency to industry More than 100 mergers took place in the early 1920s Mergers

38 Equal Rights Amendment

39 Equal Rights Amendment

40 Equal Rights Amendment Video
Constitutional amendment that would give men and women equal rights throughout the United States Many opposed because they believed it would undo all of the progress women had made Equal Rights Amendment Video

41 Teapot Dome scandal

42 Teapot Dome scandal

43 Scandal that came to light after Harding's death
Sec of the Interior Albert Fall convinced Sec of Navy to transfer control of naval oil reserves to his department He leased reserves to private companies and received bribes Teapot Dome scandal

44 Calvin Coolidge

45 Calvin Coolidge

46 Became president after Harding’s death
Worked to restore the reputation of the presidency by firing any involved in scandals Video – Pro Business Calvin Coolidge

47 Ku Klux Klan

48 Ku Klux Klan

49 Originally formed during Reconstruction to discourage blacks from voting
Temporarily dissolved in late 1800s Ku Klux Klan

50 Restarted by Georgia preacher William Joseph Simmons
Targeted blacks, Catholics, immigrants, Jews and radicals Membership grew dramatically during Red Scare Ku Klux Klan Video

51 Marcus Garvey


53 Native of Jamaica Supported Black Nationalism – A movement aimed at creating a new political state for African-Americans on the African continent. Video

54 EUGENICS Eugenics: Pseudo- Scientific belief that humans could be improved through breeding. Charles Davenport Fear of immigrants Social Darwinism Idea Spread to Europe….

55 Immigration Act of 1924

56 Immigration Act of 1924

57 Limited the number of immigrants to 2% of the 1890 population figures for each nationality
Reduces the number of immigrants to about 153,000 in 1925 Immigration Act of 1924

58 American Indian Citizen Act of 1924

59 American Indian Citizen Act of 1924

60 American Indian Citizen Act of 1924
On June 2, 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the US. American Indian Citizen Act of 1924

61 Questions?

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