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Presentation on theme: "SCHIZOPHRENIA By Zain and Aqsa."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCHIZOPHRENIA By Zain and Aqsa

2 Definition: A chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels and behave A person with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between real and imaginary May be unresponsive or withdrawn May have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations Symptoms are not identical for each person

3 Causes: Still unclear Theories suggest: Genetics(heredity)
Biology(abnormalities in the brain’s chemistry or structure) Viral infections Immune disorders

4 Genetics: Scientists have discovered that the disorder tends to run in families Person inherits a tendency to develop the disease May appear when the body undergoes hormonal and physical changes(e.g, in puberty) After dealing with highly stressful situations

5 Biology: Chemical: Imbalance of brain chemicals or neurotransmitters(dopamine, serotonin, glutamate) Imbalance can affect the way the brain reacts to stimuli - explains why patient is overwhelmed by sensory stimuli, e.g: loud music or bright lights which other people can easily handle Can lead to hallucinations and delusions Structure: problems with development of connections and pathways in the brain in the womb may lead to schizophrenia

6 Viral infections and immune disorders:
Babies whose mothers get the flu whilst pregnant are at higher risk People hospitalized for severe infections

7 Signs: Different for everyone
Behaviors that are early warning signs of schizophrenia include: Hearing or seeing something that isn’t there A constant feeling of being watched Peculiar or nonsensical way of speaking or writing Strange body positioning Feeling indifferent to very important situations Deterioration of academic or work performance A change in personal hygiene and appearance A change in personality Irrational, angry or fearful response to loved ones Inability to sleep or concentrate Inappropriate or bizarre behavior Extreme preoccupation with religion or the occult

8 Symptoms: Divided into POSITIVE and NEGATIVE symptoms Positive:
Positive (added) Negative (lost) Delusions Social withdrawal Hallucinations Extreme apathy Disorders of thinking and speech Lack of drive/initiative Disorganized behaiviour Emotional flatness

9 Treatment: No particular cure exists
Recovery is possible through a variety of services, including medication and rehabilitation programs. Types of services that help a person with schizophrenia include: Case management Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs Self-help groups Drop-in centers Housing programs Employment programs Therapy/counselling Coordinated Specialty Care(CSC) – aiming at helping the individual to recover using shared shared decision making

10 Antipsychotic Medication
Help control the symptoms Reduce biochemical imbalances and likelihood of relapse should be taken only under the supervision of a mental health professional Atypical (or "New Generation") antipsychotics are less likely to cause some of the severe side effects associated with typical antipsychotics (i.e. tardive dyskinesia, dystonia, tremors).

11 2 major types (1) Typical ‘conventional’ antipsychotics effectively control the “positive” symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and confusion of schizophrenia. Some typical antipsychotics are: Chlorpromazine Haloperidol (Haldol) Mesoridazine (Serentil) Fluphenazine (Proxlixin) (2) Atypical ‘New Generation’ antipsychotics treat both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, often with fewer side effects. Some atypical antipsychotics are: Aripiprazole (Abilify, Aristada) Clozapine (Clozaril, FazaClo, Versacloz) Olanzapine (Zyprexa)

12 Side Effects: Are common
Ranging from mild side effects: dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, drowsiness and dizziness which usually disappear after a few weeks More serious side effects: trouble with muscle control, pacing, tremors and facial ticks.

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