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Solidarity dinner for Italian earthquake victims

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1 Solidarity dinner for Italian earthquake victims

2 Sunday January 8th, 2017, at the Pavillon Joséphine
European parliament Council of Europe European Court of Human Rights Pavillon Joséphine

3 Pavillon Joséphine Strasbourg Municipality offered rental fees to Rotary Club Strasbourg for this event

4 160 guests attended the dinner

5 Monsignor Paolo Rudelli, Osservatore permanente della Santa Sede presso il Consiglio d’Europa
Ambasciatore Marco Marsilli rappresentante permanente d'Italia presso il Consiglio d'Europa François Schmutz President, Rotary Club Strasbourg

6 M. Alain Fontanel, premier adjoint au Maire de la Ville de Strasbourg
M. François Bouteloup, District Governor representative Mrs Giusi Pajardi, Head of the Secretariat - Partial Agreement at Council of Europe Development Bank

7 Past-president Gianni Cian and Alfred Koering giving
information about Amatrice region, its cultural influence, and the devastating earthquake that occured in August 2016

8 Soprano singer Francesca Sorteni and musician Zoe Schade at the accordion for famous italian opera hymns

9 Befana Antoinette selling raffle tickets
Winners receive excellent italian wines given by generous donators (including Fabiola )

10 • Apéritif : spritz • Antipasti : sous forme de petites brochettes à déguster pendant l'apéritif • Primo piatto : mille-feuille de scampi/courgettes au pesto • Secondo piatto : suprème de pintade aux champignons, truffes et purée de navet • Dessert : panacotta à l'orange .... • Café ou thé An excellent Italian dinner prepared at a reduced price by the team of the restaurant Villa Casella

11 The President is happy : this event was a full success.
=> Rotary Club Strasbourg will be able donate 7500 € to Rotary Club Novara, for the victims of the earthquake in Amatrice

12 Many thanks to our team pilots for this event :
Antoinette, Artistic Director Gianni, Managing Director

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