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Homework Grid Spring 2017 – Would you kill a woolly mammoth?

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1 Homework Grid Spring 2017 – Would you kill a woolly mammoth?
Verbal I enjoy reading, writing & speaking Write a recount for a typical Day in the Life of a Stone Age family. Write a fact file about Stonehenge. Include at least 5 facts. Write a set of instructions for how to catch a mammoth or other wild mammal. Dogs started to be brought into houses in the Stone Age. Write about how the life of a dog would be different to today. Make a simple language for some Stone Age people. Make sure that you include the numbers 1 to 10, simple greetings and words that people would have used often (like spear, water and fire). Scientific I enjoy working with numbers & science Draw a Venn diagram to sort similarities and differences between life in the Stone Age and life today. Imagine that £1 = 1 UGG. Create a Stone Age shopping list of items that you would like to buy, such as deer antlers and flint flakes. Use some stones to design a way to explain hundreds, tens and units to another child. Research flint shapes, arrow heads and Stone Age tools. Look at the shapes and decide which were the best for a weapon. Watch the Stone Age Dragon’s Den clip. What would you invent and what would it be used for? Think about the materials available at the time. Visual I enjoy painting, drawing and visualising Draw a Stone Age feast, thinking carefully about the food and drink that would be on offer. Try dyeing some cloth using natural dyes such as beetroot, berries, turmeric root or tea. Draw a diagram to explain why an extinct animal does not live anymore. Skulls of animals were often collected and worn by hunters as a mask or headgear. Find or sketch some skulls. Stone Age people would be buried with items that were important to them. Imagine and draw some items a Stone Age person may have been buried with. Kinaesthetic I enjoy doing hands-on activities Make your own Stone Age axe. Make sure that it is strong and sturdy and easy to use. Make your own Stone Age spear. Make sure that you use flint. You are a bored child in the Stone Age. Invent a new game for you to play and teach it to a friend. Design and make some clothing for a Stone Age Man or Woman. You could dress up a Barbie or other doll, for example. Create your own Stone Age house using whatever materials you wish. Think of what there may be in what we would call the garden, such as a fire pit. Please complete a minimum of 6 tasks, with a minimum of 1 per row, before the Easter holidays. Each homework will receive at least one TEAMPOINT. If you find that a task is taking a long time, please let me know and it can count as a double or even triple task (so count as 2 or 3 homeworks). Have fun and I hope you learn lots. I look forward to seeing and showcasing more of your amazing homework! If you have any concerns or would like some support, please just ask.

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