Purchasing Updates for Local Workday Gurus

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Presentation on theme: "Purchasing Updates for Local Workday Gurus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purchasing Updates for Local Workday Gurus
June 28, 2017

2 Virtual Classroom – Tips
Reporting for FInancial Mangement and Accounting Virtual Classroom – Tips To optimize your Virtual Classroom experience: Use a direct network connection (i.e., not wireless). Close all other applications except for Virtual Classroom and your internet browser. Supporting Content: Before we get started, we want to ensure everyone participating can hear and see what is happening in this session. To optimize your experience you may want to consider using a direct network connection as opposed to wireless and close all other applications except for the Panopto virtual classroom. 06/23/17

3 Virtual Classroom – Attendee Interface
Reporting for FInancial Mangement and Accounting Virtual Classroom – Attendee Interface Your Panopto window has four major areas: View of the room An area to take notes which will correspond to the slide you’re on A view of the current slide being presented A control bar you can use to jump back if you want to hear something again A C Supporting Content: In this virtual classroom you can watch the slides, me your live presenter, and the discussion board on the bottom left. D B 06/23/17

4 Participating in the Training
Reporting for FInancial Mangement and Accounting Participating in the Training View of the room An area to take notes which will correspond to the slide you’re on A view of the current slide being presented A control bar you can use to jump back if you want to hear something again B Supporting Content: To ask a question, type your question in the discussion section of the page and we will address them as we go along. If we can’t get to all of your questions we are documenting them and will address afterwards. Ensure your timeline slider is all the way to the right to see the live stream; these sessions are being recorded and can be accessed directly following the session. A 06/23/17

5 Reporting for FInancial Mangement and Accounting
Customize your View If you need to view the slides in full screen, use the expand screen icon. Access the full screen icon by hovering your mouse over the upper-right corner of the slide. Click the icon to expand the view. Supporting Content: I recommend expanding your slides view so you can see the demos more clearly on your screen. To do so, hover over the upper right hand side of your screen and click on the maximize window icon. 06/23/17

6 Guidelines/Reminders
Reporting for FInancial Mangement and Accounting Guidelines/Reminders Consider the following guidelines/reminders during this training: A dial-in number is not required Ensure your computer volume is on (headphones) Please use the Discussion function on the bottom left corner to ask your question Type a message in the text box, select the audience, and hit “Send” Your voice cannot be heard but all participants can see what you type If watching Live, ensure the timeline slider is all the way to the right; you must be in Live mode to be able to type questions The session is being recorded Facilitator Tips: Note that you do not need to be dialed in to the session.  Highlight bullets from the slide. There is a ~60 second delay in the presentation delivery. Pause at various times in presentation to take questions but focus on limiting first 15 minutes to the intro slides and spending the majority of time in demo’ing reports. 06/23/17

7 Workday Usability & Workflow
Agenda Introduction Workday Usability & Workflow Purchase Order Requisition Delivery Information Multiple Invoice Approval Notifications What’s Next

8 Workday@Yale Objectives
Simplify and standardize processes Make it easier to get work done and harder to make mistakes Minimize administrative work for faculty, students and staff Lower operating costs and improve effectiveness Provide accurate, trusted, and timely reporting

9 Learn about the Changes Learn their assigned areas of the system
Change Network Roles Before Go-Live “Focus on Readiness” After Go-Live “Support Users” Supporter Listener Change Partners feedback and communications channel between their business unit and the Change Management team Serve as a Liaison Direct Users to Help Resources Ambassador of Change Learn about the Changes Early Adapter Coach Local Workday Gurus community of users who can provide business process support as a part of their current role Provide User Support Participate in this Community of Practice Serve as a Liaison Learn their assigned areas of the system Change Partners serve as a communications channel between their business units and the Change Management team. Your primary responsibilities before go-live is to prepare your areas for Workday. As an ambassador of change you will learn about the Workday changes, share that information with people in your area. And once the system is live, your role changes to sharing information you receive from colleagues about Workday with Change management. You will also help to direct users to the appropriate help resources. Local Workday Gurus are a community of users who can provide business process support as a part of their current role. They will have an early opportunity to get into Workday and to learn about their assigned areas of the system. After Workday is live, they will provide local users with help support, participate in this Community of Practice by knowledge sharing and to share feedback you receive from your colleagues and faculty with the change management team. Test the System Lead User Training

10 Prerequisite Foundational Core Concepts
<Course Name> Prerequisite Foundational Core Concepts Online Videos Financials Overview Chart of Accounts (COA) Overview Introduction to Worktags Reporting Overview of Workday Core Concepts Software as a Service  Configuration vs. Customization Tenant Supervisory Organizations Roles Business Process Employee Self Service Delegation  Inbox These concepts were introduced to the LWGs in February. Additional resources are available at workday.yale.edu <ILT_Course Name>

11 Timeline 2017 2018 Financials Go-Live Training In-Person Clinics
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sept Oct-Dec Financials Go-Live Training In-Person Clinics User Testing Post Go-Live Support (including FSC, ES, ITS Help Desk) Weekly Updates, Supervisor Updates, Information Sessions Functionality updates occur, roughly, in March and September, as indicated by the “workday” logo. We are communicating with users in a variety of ways: through our weekly update to LA’s, OM’s, Change Network, Executive Sponsors, Impacted Systems Community Members, and Workday Program Members. If this group isn’t receiving this communication, their supervisors/Change Partners are receiving it and will provide updates at their in-house meetings. Additionally, the Workday Program is hosting information sessions, like this one, to inform the community about upcoming changes. We will be testing the system to ensure that the community can fulfill business processes in Workday (and to ensure our training materials are accurate and our support centers have adequate supporting documentation). Post Go-Live support will be offered for 4 months after July 3, to ensure the community is prepared to use Workday. We are actively preparing for go-live and will provide more detail in the months ahead. Finally, we are continually optimizing and improving Workday, with input from the community. This is an ongoing process. Prepare for Go-Live HR/Payroll/Academic Optimization Financials Optimization

12 Important Updates to the Create Requisition Business Process

13 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Purchase Order Requisition Delivery Information The “Requester” selected on the first screen of the Create Requisition process drives the values in the “Default Ship-To Address” and the “Ship- To Contact” and the “Deliver-To” location fields on the lines of the Requisition. 

14 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Purchase Order Requisition Delivery Information Guidance for Go-Live:  Enter the intended recipient as the “Requester” name whenever possible If the Requisition items need to be delivered to someone other than the “Requester”: Change the “Default Ship-To Address” on the first screen Change the “Ship-To Contact” name and the “Deliver-To” room location fields on the lines of the Requisition The Workday PO will communicate the “Ship-To Contact” name and the “Deliver-To” location of ONLY the first line of the requisition.

15 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Purchase Order Requisition Delivery Information (con’t) Guidance for Go-Live:  Limit requisitions to one supplier per requisition Limit requisitions to one recipient and “Deliver-To” location per requisition *

16 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Purchase Order Requisition Delivery Information (con’t) Impacted Roles: Requisitioner and Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K role holders should be notified of the issue The Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K has the ability to edit or send back the requisition to the “Requester” for corrections. Cost Center P2P Approver - $10K, Cost Center P2P Approver - Unlimited, and PO Specialist role holders should be made aware These role holder cannot edit the requisition but they can send it back to the “Requester” for corrections. 

17 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Multiple Invoice Approval Notifications If an invoice is routed for cost center approval, all Cost Center P2P approvers that are required to approve the invoice (based on the dollar amount of the invoice) will receive multiple notifications (typically 3) and must approve each. As the notifications are presented in consecutive order in the Inbox, the approver sees the next approval notification immediately after each approval. Invoices that are affected by this are: All invoices charged to a sub-award contract. Invoices matched to purchase orders based on requisitions with a Requisition Type that indicates that invoice review is required. The P2P Invoice Specialist are reviewers and not approvers. They will not receive multiple approval notifications. List of Cost Centers P2P Approvers Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K Cost Center P2P Approver - $10K Cost Center P2P Approver - Unlimited

18 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Multiple Invoice Approval Notifications The issue does not exist for invoices on PO match exceptions such as confirming receipt of goods or services or verifying that it is OK to pay an invoice that has a price or quantity higher than the PO. This is because the match exception business process differs from the standard invoice approval process that has the issue.

19 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Multiple Invoice Approval Notifications Workday is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it. Guidance for Go-Live: Inform the following role holders of the issue Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K Cost Center P2P Approver - $10K Cost Center P2P Approver – Unlimited

20 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Invoices Charged to Grant and Routed to Multiple Cost Centers If the Cost Center associated with a Grant is different from the Cost Center associated with its parent Award, invoices charged to that grant will be routed to both cost centers. This may be confusing to the Cost Center Approver responsible for the Award’s cost center, as the Award cost center is not visible in the charging instructions. We believe that this condition exists in approximately 15-20% of grants.

21 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Invoices Charged to Grant and Routed to Multiple Cost Centers Workday is aware of the issue and is working toward ensuring that transactions are not routed to the Award cost center.

22 Procurement Usability and Workflow Issues for Go-Live
Invoices Charged to Grant and Routed to Multiple Cost Centers Guidance for Go-Live: Inform the following role holders of the issue Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K Cost Center P2P Approver - $10K Cost Center P2P Approver – Unlimited Instruct them to approve the invoices if they are aware of the Award cost center’s relationship to the grant. Expenses will be charged to the Cost Center in the charging instructions and not to the Award cost center. Use the “Find Awards and Grants - Yale” report to locate the grant and review the Award cost center. Invoices must be approved by both cost centers in order to be paid.

23 Purchasing DEMO Ronice Awudu Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

24 What’s Next? Be prepared to assist your users
Download a copy of the Managing Your Delivery Information Quick Guide by visiting the Training website Expect to receive an from The Program that will address the topics covered during today’s session Work with your Change Partners and Lead Administrators to share the contents of this presentation with individuals who have the following Workday roles Requisitioner Cost Center P2P Approver - $1K Cost Center P2P Approver - $10K Cost Center P2P Approver - Unlimited Cost Center P2P PO Specialist Cost Center P2P Invoice Specialist

25 <Course Name> Thank You! <ILT_Course Name>

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