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South America.

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1 South America

2 South America

3 Physical Geography Continent has MASSIVE… Mountains Rivers Rainforests

4 Andes Mountains World’s LONGEST mountain range
runs through the western portion South America

5 VENEZUELA Major OIL (petroleum) producer

6 0° (Equator) Ecuador Named after the equator

7 The ancient Native American people that lived in present-day Peru before the arrival of Europeans were the Incas video Machu Picchu

8 Lake Titicaca Located between Peru & Bolivia
Highest navigable lake in the world Located between Peru & Bolivia

9 The nation of Chile leads the world in the production of the raw material

10 South America… Mostly conquered & settled by…. Spain



13 HISTORY OF BRAZIL 1. Native Americans 2. Settled by Portugal for ~300 yrs (sugar plantations) 3. Independence (but still speak Portuguese)

14 1500s …..over 2 million Native Americans
Now …..200,000 left

15 The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 is when Portugal gained control of Brazil.

16 Brazil achieved its independence from Portugal in

17 A big, dense forest with heavy annual rainfall in the tropical region
A rain forest is A big, dense forest with heavy annual rainfall in the tropical region

18 Amazon Rain Forest World’s LARGEST rainforest, located mostly in Brazil Important because…. Supplies wood Plant & Animal life Oxygen & Medicine Question: What threatens it?

19 Deforestation Biggest THREAT to Amazon Rainforest Cutting down trees

20 Deforestation can occur because of the farming method called
Slash and burn

21 Slash and Burn - Cut trees, brush, and grasses and burn the debris to clear the field
Rough on the environment because the soil becomes exhausted (no more nutrients)

22 Deforestation of the Amazon

23 Three types of animals found in the rain forest are
Jaguars Anacondas Piranhas

24 Amazon River World’s 2nd longest river 4,049 miles


26 The most famous festival in Brazil is
Carnival The Vila Isabel samba school performs during a carnival parade in the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, early Monday March 7, AP / Felipe Dana

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