Electromagnetic Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Revolution
Electromagnetic Revolution

2 DC Motor

3 SAĞ EL KURALI Force Current Magnetic Field

4 Force in a Conductor ​ ​ Instructor:
When only the current flow is reversed (by reversing the polarity of the battery, in this example), the force reverses direction and now goes up.

5 Force in a Conductor ​ ​ Instructor:
As seen previously with the bar magnets, magnetic fields that come near each other create a force. In the example shown, the current is flowing through a wire that passes through a horseshoe magnet. The magnetic field from the horseshoe magnet interacts with the wire current, causing a downward force on the wire. Note: Another right-hand rule can be used to remember the direction of the interacting forces. The index finger points in the same direction of the current flow, the middle finger is perpendicular to the index finger and points in the direction of the magnetic field, and the thumb (pointing perpendicular to both the index and middle fingers) points in the direction of the resulting force.

6 Diagram of a Simple DC Motor
Diagram of a Simple DC Motor Instructor: The DC motor utilizes this concept by changing the direction of the current flowing through the brushes into the coiled wire in the armature. A permanent magnet creates a constant magnetic field, and when current runs through the coils, a force is created that turns the armature. When the armature has turned far enough, the brushes are now in contact with the opposite ends of the coiled wire, effectively reversing the polarity of the voltage across the coil and reversing the current flow, which create a force that spins the armature further in the same direction. This process repeats as long as voltage is supplied to the motor, creating the motor rotational force.

7 DC Motors The stator is the stationary outside part of a motor. The rotor is the inner part which rotates. In the motor animations, red represents a magnet or winding with a north polarization, while green represents a magnet or winding with a south polariztion. Opposite, red and green, polarities attract.

8 Electric Motor ​ ​ Instructor:
This is a detailed animation of the operation of a DC motor, showing the forces, current flow, and resulting motion caused by the magnetic fields.


10 DC MOTORLAR emf = - df/dt = -(d/dt) (NBA cos q) = NBA sin q (dq/dt) = NBAw sin wt.

11 Sabit mıknatıslar yerine yüksek manyetik alan istendiğinde sargılar kullanılır




15 AC MOTORLAR İndüksiyon motorlar
AC MOTORLAR İndüksiyon motorlar

16 AC MOTORLAR İndüksiyon motorlar 3 Faz
AC MOTORLAR İndüksiyon motorlar 3 Faz

17 AC MOTORLAR İndüksiyon motorlar 3 Faz
AC MOTORLAR İndüksiyon motorlar 3 Faz

18 Doğrusal MOTORLAR


20 Brushless DC Motors

21 Model airplanes, cars, boats, helicopters Microscopes
Medical: centrifuges, orthoscopic surgical tools, respirators, dental surgical tools, and organ transport pump systems Model airplanes, cars, boats, helicopters Microscopes Tape drives and winders Artificial heart

22 Stepper Motors This stepper motor is very simplified. The rotor of a real stepper motor usually has many poles. The animation has only ten poles, however a real stepper motor might have a hundred. These are formed using a single magnet mounted inline with the rotor axis and two pole pieces with many teeth. The teeth are staggered to produce many poles. The stator poles of a real stepper motor also has many teeth. The teeth are arranged so that the two phases are still 90° out of phase. This stepper motor uses permanent magnets. Some stepper motors do not have magnets and instead use the basic principles of a switched reluctance motor. The stator is similar but the rotor is composed of a iron laminates.

23 Note how the phases are driven so that the rotor takes half steps
More on Stepper Motors Note how the phases are driven so that the rotor takes half steps

24 Animation shows how coils are energized for full steps
More on Stepper Motors Animation shows how coils are energized for full steps

25 More on Stepper Motors Full step sequence showing how binary numbers can control the motor Half step sequence of binary control numbers

26 Stepper Motor Applications
Stepper Motor Applications Film Drive Optical Scanner Printers ATM Machines I. V. Pump Blood Analyzer FAX Machines Thermostats

27 Switched Reluctance Motor
Switched Reluctance Motor A switched reluctance or variable reluctance motor does not contain any permanent magnets. The stator is similar to a brushless dc motor. However, the rotor consists only of iron laminates. The iron rotor is attracted to the energized stator pole. The polarity of the stator pole does not matter. Torque is produced as a result of the attraction between the electromagnet and the iron rotor in the same way a magnet is attracted to a refrigerator door. An electrically quiet motor since it has no brushes.

28 Switched Reluctance Motor Applications
Switched Reluctance Motor Applications Motor scooters and other electric and hybrid vehicles Industrial fans, blowers, pumps, mixers, centrifuges, machine tools Domestic appliances

29 Brushless AC Motor A brushless ac motor is driven with ac sine wave voltages. The permanent magnet rotor rotates synchronous to the rotating magnetic field. The rotating magnetic field is illustrated using a red and green gradient. An actual simulation of the magnetic field would show a far more complex magnetic field.

30 AC Induction Motor The stator windings of an ac induction motor are distributed around the stator to produce a roughly sinusoidal distribution. When three phase ac voltages are applied to the stator windings, a rotating magnetic field is produced. The rotor of an induction motor also consists of windings or more often a copper squirrel cage imbedded within iron laminates. Only the iron laminates are shown. An electric current is induced in the rotor bars which also produce a magnetic field.

31 Stepper Motor from Mechatronics
Stepper Motor from Mechatronics

32 Mechatronics Stepper Motor Continued
Mechatronics Stepper Motor Continued

33 Mechatronics Mechatronics is at the intersection between several disciplinary areas, as represented by these Venn diagrams

34 MEMS Stepper Motor This motor is very much like the other stepper motors mentioned above, except that it is 2D and very small

35 MEMS The potential complexity of the MEMS device increases exponentially with the number of unique process features and individual structural layers.

36 Six gear planar train at various speeds Close up of six gear train
MEMS Gear Trains Six gear planar train at various speeds Close up of six gear train

37 Power MEMS 80 Watt gas microturbine designed and built at MIT for MEMS power applications

38 DC Machine Construction
DC Machine Construction Figure 8.1 General arrangement of a dc machine


40 DC Machine Construction
DC Machine Construction Figure 8.3 Details of the commutator of a dc motor.

41 DC Machine Construction
DC Machine Construction Figure 8.4 DC motor stator with poles visible.

42 DC Machine Construction
DC Machine Construction Figure 8.5 Rotor of a dc motor.

43 DC Machine Construction
DC Machine Construction Figure 8.6 Cutaway view of a dc motor.

44 DC Machine Construction
DC Machine Construction Figure 8.6 Cutaway view of a dc motor.


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