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A B Control (Open) BABA (partially open) Drought (BABA-)

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Presentation on theme: "A B Control (Open) BABA (partially open) Drought (BABA-)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A B Control (Open) BABA (partially open) Drought (BABA-)
Ratio (Width/ length) d Drought Supplementary Fig. 2: Influence of BABA on stomatal closure. Stomatal aperture was measured before and after the imposition of drought stress. Control leaf showing open stomata with clear stomatal aperture (arrow mark), while BABA treatment results partially open stomata. Partly closed stomata were observed in drought stressed leaves (A). Stomatal aperture was measured as ratio (width of the opening divided by the length of stomatal aperture) (B). Decreased ratio indicates closer of stomata (Russell Johnson, 2007; Control of Leaf Stomatal Opening; Colby J. Res. Meth :14-17). Data are expressed as mean value ± S.D. (n= 20). Mean values in columns with different letters are significantly different at the 5% level according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.


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