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What is Engineering?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Engineering?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Engineering?

2 What is the problem? What do you need to know before you start?

3 Design Challenge Criteria: You will design a structure that:
is at least 24 inches tall. can safely support the stuffed animal for ___ seconds. Constraints: Your limitations are: 100 index cards 12” cellophane tape 18 minutes

4 Using verbs, describe what you did during the design process.
Do this as Think, Pair, Share. Have each team give you 3-4 verbs Once they have all shared, ask if any groups have more verbs that are not on our list.

5 The Engineering Design Process
Brainstorming No evaluation Criteria Constraints Science knowledge Imagine Ask The Goal To solve a problem by developing or improving a technology. Plan Improve Create and test

6 Our definition of engineering:
Now that we have all explored a technology, let’s come up with a common definition of engineering. Write their ideas in the box, and then write their final definition on CHART PAPER when complete.

7 EiE defines engineering as:
A process that uses one’s creativity, understanding of materials, math, and science, and the engineering design process to design technologies. Return to original list on chart paper – Is there anything we want to add to our thoughts on what engineering is?

8 Teacher Hat: What is Engineering?
Take about 1-2 minutes to discuss the Teacher Hat questions in your groups. Can be used with students (adapted with shorter towers and more tape) & is available online The Engineering Design Process is a major learning goal taught in all units

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