Taranaki Futures Education Consortium

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1 Taranaki Futures Education Consortium
Education to Employment Jann Marshall, Director of Education Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatu 30 June 2017

2 A lot of our young people are staying within the region …
Since 2009 across Taranaki, Whanganui and Manawatu - 83% of our school leavers have transitioned into tertiary education or industry training A lot of our young people are staying within the region … We need to do better at developing, attracting, retaining and utilising the skills that the economy and employers need. We also need to achieve better outcomes for young people. A significant number of students are still becoming disengaged from education too early or are entering employment before they have the skills necessary to stay connected to the workforce.

3 Key Challenges in Education to Employment
Increased achievement at level 2 is not flowing through to level 4 or above qualifications Māori and Pasifika achievement is lagging behind. Even with the significant gains in achievement over the last 3 years Skills shortages persist Youth unemployment persists

4 Lifting Achievement of Young People
Education is committed to building skilled and safe workplaces Lifting Achievement of Young People Minimum of NCEA Level 2 qualification gives people the foundation-level skills to have better opportunities in further education, employment, health outcomes and well-being. Delivering Vocational Education and Training that Lifts Skills We need effective and flexible pathways for learners with diverse learning needs to acquire the skills that are in demand by employers. The system needs to deliver the skills that businesses need. Strengthening Tertiary Education The performance of New Zealand’s tertiary education system is critical to the supply of skills to the economy. We are supporting a system that delivers more and highly skilled graduates, better quality provision and more relevant information to inform students’ choices Moving people off Benefits and into Work High levels of employment are a hallmark of a well-functioning, high performing economy. As the economy grows, we will need to make full use of the talent pool available, and improve outcomes for families by breaking the welfare dependency cycle.

5 Delivering Results with Youth Guarantee
Strengthen the accountability of Youth Guarantee providers to improve outcomes for 16 & 17 year-olds Support partnerships between secondary and tertiary education and employers We commit to…. Achieving at least NCEA Level 2 or an equivalent qualification puts a young person on a pathway towards a successful working career.

6 Youth not in employment, education or training in Taranaki

7 From our perspective.... We need more kiwis to understand that education, financial, personal and social success can be achieved across all vocational education, employment and training opportunities More young people engaged in education, and connected to better opportunities (pathways & places), knowing they can achieve success from education to employment. More businesses engaged and connected to better opportunities (pathways & places), confident that their skilled workforce needs and requirements will be met. .


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