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Surviving in the Canadian wilderness

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Presentation on theme: "Surviving in the Canadian wilderness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Surviving in the Canadian wilderness
By: Student C and Student D

2 Plants Only certain plants can be used for food or medicine.
If you plan to eat a plant make sure you know it is able to be used as medicine or edible.

3 Shelter Making shelter is key when in the wilderness.
If you don’t make a shelter than you are more available to animals. Also if you don’t make a shelter and it rains then you will get wet. If it is cold shelter can help you warmer stay than sleeping outside.

4 Weather In the fall and winter it can get cold.
In the cold weather hypothermia is likely [use your resources to build layers.

5 Hunting Food Hunting food is important for survival in the wilderness.
You need to hunt to survive You also need to have a resource to hunt with if you dont have a resource you cant hunt. .

6 Fire Making a fire is essential for survival especially in the winter and fall. If you don’t build a fire in the wilderness in the winter than you are likely to get hypothermia .

7 Protection as aIf an animal is coming you going to need to have protection such weapon. If you don’t have a resource to protect you stay where you are[you dont bother him he won’t bother you].

8 Citations "10 Wilderness Survival Lessons From Hatchet." The Art of Manliness. Web. 13 Jan < "Fire Building: How to Find the Best Tinder in Survival Situations." Outdoor Life. Web. 14 Jan < "How to Survive in the Wilderness of Canada." How to Survive in the Wilderness of Canada. Web. 13 Jan <

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